[存在感系列报] 9/11

Day 1,391, 19:44 Published in China USA by TigerG

10年了, 纪念一下。
it's the 10-yr-anniversary for 9.11

右侧 帝国大厦 (empire state building on the right):

虽然9/11 派包 不好, 但是我erep生日是 Sep 12, 2009, 所以就少派点包 意思意思。
派包: 每人10个q2 或者 4个q5。 不用v, 不用s, 在下面留言就好。

Even though it's 9/11, and it's suppose to be sad and all, but 9/12 is my erepublik birthday, so I'm just gonna give a little bit of free bread away in this newspaper for formality. No need to vote or sub, just comment, and you'll get 10 q2 or 4 q5 bread.

另: 祝中秋快乐。

P.S. Happy Chinese Moon Festival.