- 83 OSVETA - Operation "African Safari"

Day 2,727, 05:38 Published in Serbia Greece by MANIATISgr

Hello again...
83 OSVETA last week fought against Croatia in Africa and AGAIN we made this battle EPIC!

Lets take a look from the battlefiel😛

TOP 5 in damage by division

1st Division

3rd Division

4th Division

Before the strike our MU dmg was 9,546,403,701 and we were 4th in the leaderboard...Lets see what happend after the strike:



And finaly again 3rd MU of eSerbia

With no words...

83 OSVETA proves every day,every week that is the most well organized mu in the area...and we will keep proving that!Dont wait for epic battles...join us to make one...

"It's very important to say that the recruitment has not finished yet! If you are patriots and not mercenaries, if you don't spare weapons and food but you hit with full heart, and if you would like to be part of a lively company, then we are your unit!"


Spartan Total Warrior (Giorgos)
83 OSVETA's Commander