[6] Danyr Slavic Press - News from Serbia, SUAF - Military unit

Day 1,381, 05:05 Published in Slovakia Slovakia by Leinades



Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia attacked Serbia.

Active battles: RW in East Srpska Republic, RW in Belgrade, RW in Moldova, RW in Bassarabia, war Croatia VS Serbia in Raska and war Romania VS Serbia in Western Serbia.

MoD of Serbia: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-1379-1380--1854157/1/20

Slavic Union orders: HELP SERBIA!!!

Good article: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/dan-1-381-mogu-a-nova-scaron-ansa-za-preokret-1854385/1/20

Join to SUAF and help Serbia and others Slavic Union countries!
Wearing great avatar of our battle group, fighting at the slavic countries side and dofs for important battles. Yeeaaah! To join SUAF contact Hochelus.