[總統府 #3] 再次緊急說明

Day 2,032, 09:37 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by Jewelz Cheng

我是本月CP JC

就NE eSK一事,收到了很多查詢,也在shout wall 上看到不同的意見,包括各式各樣對本人自身的攻擊,但也有正面善意的提醒,不論如何,也說明了本身的台灣玩家,或只單純是e台灣人都很多元化,而JC 今天決定的事情,也實在有很大改進空間,所以在此向國民致歉(躹躬

當一個聯盟需要直接的協助, 也就是在東亞展開第二戰線之時, 我們選擇了當仁不讓對敵國展開作戰


Hi fellow citizens,

This is the current CP of eROC. Concerning the NE proposal towards eSK, i can see there are a lot of different opinions and criticism towards me, and some reminders as well. This means we eROC are indeed a diversified society, which is not a bad thing at all. And for what i 've done today is indeed, there are rooms for improvement, please kindly accept my apology

As you may know, eROC values her allies' and friends' battlefields as her own. Last year we've assisted EDEN's operation in South American to aid eColombia, and free them from the invasion of their enemies.
Today, when TWO is in need of our assistance in order to fight COT, we shall take the fight straight to one of theirs and fulfill the promise we've given to our brothrens in the alliance

When Two and Cot begin the epic conflict on the continent of Europa, it marked the initiation of a new era. We will never fail the words given to our fighting brothers from different land, we will fight for eROC's survival and prosperity in East Asia, and in the end, we shall emerged victorious!
I do highly respect all the advices and thoughts given by our cabinet members, along every one of eROC's citizens. Thank you with all my heart. For eSK people and its governmental officials. This is my sincere apology, along the best intention for the future warfares between our nations.

Current CP of eROC

Hail eROC

~2013 1月CP 葉赫