Oil Must Flow[Day 2400]

Day 2,400, 23:25 Published in Canada United Kingdom by lllll 54 lllll

There are many Canadians that will always do their best to uphold the stereotypical perception of Canadians generally being nice, and in eCanada things are no different. Given the recent failures of England in the World Cup, the eCanadians here have been so kind as to give the players of the eUK something to take their minds off of it.

To help ease their minds, eCanada has decided to attack the eUK, until it is decisively beaten. With their country thoroughly wiped, the many mistakes of Wayne Rooney will became all a distant memory in the backs of their minds.

So without further ado, here is the optimal Canadian strike plan for Operation: Enduring Group Stage

though it does seem like a long way to go for oil there. I feel like we're all forgetting about something though, some business left unfinished..

but it's probably nothing, right?
