Reflections & Intentions

Day 2,348, 13:43 Published in USA USA by Molly Emma

For your listening pleasure:
Bobby Tanqueray - Lake Street Dive
Day 2348

Hello Fellow Americans! It's been a long time since I put pen to paper, or keyboard to screen, as it were. In fact, it's been almost two years since I felt that I had something personal to say that either you all might want to read or that wasn't already being said by other respectable members of this nation. Sure, I had been collaborating on pieces for the Speaker's Word, Department of the Interior or Education and even a few shorts for the WHPR, but those were all business, I had help(thanks Malarkey, The Wild Card and Custer) and they have their own outlets.

Since that last article two years ago, I have been a regular contributing member of Congress and been a non-stop contributor to the Executive Office in one capacity or another. I have been Chief under many of the great names in eCP history, been Veep for a few others and have been an advisor or officeholder to some extent for everyone since Oblige's historic 4-peat back in 2012.

It's a smaller world than you think.

I've had the opportunity to make connections all over the world. My experiences and work have provided the wonderful opportunity to meet, speak with, or work with many more people here at home; some famous, some infamous and others brand new to the game. Without my position I would never have had the pleasure. I have valued each and every encounter as a learning experience; even the less-than-positive interactions have value to me and all have shaped my choices and opinions throughout my time in eRep.

It's been an exciting roller coaster of a run. Major alliances have risen and fallen. Our traditional allies had become our enemies and some then returned as friends. Wars have flared and ebbed. Invasions of our homeland have been weathered. Taxes have gone up. Taxes have gone down...and then back up again. Admin has "blessed" us with so many "changes" that the word makes me cringe in fear for whatever is coming down the pipeline next.

No need to panic. We have a graph for this.

Regardless of what we all want in elife, change IS going to happen; it's happening all around us and it will challenge us as individuals and as a nation as it has throughout our history. We are about to experience another grand shift in the way we view our allies and alliances and our neighbors. The way we win battles is changing due to the way currency is now used to directly influence damage. Our national military has taken a new direction in an effort to become more efficient and organized. Changes like these require a steady hand.

We have much that will remain the same because many have spent time and effort to be good stewards of our government systems and relationships. Interior has seen new life under its recent leadership and our new players have never had such a supportive environment in which to grow. Education has seen similar creative growth and works tirelessly to bring new and energetic people into the community. DHS has mastered the art of the ATO in an effort to protect our parties from sinister groups. These are things to cling to and nurture so they continue to serve us well into the future.

I have received much encouragement from long-time friends and party members and I believe the time is right. I wish to announce my candidacy for President of the eUnited States. We have a lot to be thankful for and lot to look forward to. With a steady hand and a creative effort we can grow domestically, provide better for our own security and build a place in the world that is respected and envied.

Stay tuned for specifics about policy and those people that have generously offered to be a part of what I consider to be an all-star team of secretaries and advisors.

Please give this a shout!
Reflections & Intentions

Picture Album:

At the signing of the Bear and Eagle Accord.

After being informed by President Inwegen and SecState Israel Stevens that I would have to attend yet another alliance meeting.

DAMMIT Pfeiffer!
