$200 Fine

Day 860, 09:34 Published in Canada Canada by Spencer Magee

I've apparently been charged with a 200 CAD fine for proposing impeachment against El Presidente Norris.

I am no bum. I shall pay this fine, starting April, in $1 payments every other month.

I have absolute respect for the judicial branch in this country and the courts.

Our country is run by the brightest minds our education system has to offer, so I trust their decision.

And I would like to thank my lawyer, Hugh F. Ass for his assistance, even though we weren't contacted before or after the decision was made. And no one told us where to donate to. And there actually does not appear to have been any trial and this was just a unilateral decision by the Speaker (unless the President is leaning on the legislative branch like he did to the Judicial one), who I just happened to not be voting for this time around (Hmm.)

My lawyer

Now I realize what I should have done was moved to Hungary and fought against Canada and EDEN, as it is a much easier way to destroy eCanada than I was obviously trying to do, and I would have only had to pay 2 weapons in compensation when I came back.