#2 The Interview

Day 580, 21:36 Published in USA USA by Kara Zor El

Greetings to my friends and fellow citizens. I wish to thank those of you who have voted and subscribed since the publication of my first article. You both humble and flatter me. I intend to live up to expectations this issue.

Before I begin, I am compelled to say that owning a newspaper in this world has already enriched my experience in this game. Since becoming a citizen 30 days ago, I find myself thinking about the game throughout the day. I decided to wait till I had something to say before owning a newspaper. Now that I do, I'm thinking more about this game and all the possibilities. Let us all look forward to what lies ahead. Let us all ignite a spark of creativity which draws out those discouraged double-clickers and make it more fun to learn and play this game. Let us begin.

Today, I would like to introduce you Wingfield. Wingfield has been with us now for 58 days. He is a Hard Worker and Super Soldier. Attaining the respectable rank of 16, Wingfield has achieved Lieutenant status and become a Press Director(The Thunderer) with over 100 subscribers. I recently had an opportunity to interview Wingfield about his experiences within this world.

Kara: Welcome, Wingfield to Kara's Korner. I trust you have been properly
introduced. Would you like to add any tidbits?

Wingfiel😛 I joined on Day 522 (April 25th) in the middle of Congress elections. This made me want
to investigate the political process fast! Then I found out that you don’t get to vote until
Level 6. I started out in Washington but moved once I was able to fight and heal 50
wellness in New Jersey.

Kara: As more people discover who Wingfield is, they may wonder about your avatar. Here's your
chance to explain for all to see.

Wingfiel😛 The avatar is Lt General Sir John Moore, KB, 1761-1809, a true Hero. I always
remembered a famous poem about him. A friend and I both attended his bicentennial
commemoration in Spain this year. He masterminded the Napoleonic Wars equivalent of
Dunkirk, extracting the British forces from a tricky situation in Spain and leading them in
a grueling winter retreat to Corunna, where he was killed in the battle that secured the
evacuation of the Army onto Royal Navy transports. We found the poem set in stone on
the walls of the beautiful San Carlos Gardens in Corunna, overlooking the harbor.
Moore’s tomb is in the center of the gardens.

Kara: Wow! Moving on.

Kara: I have some more questions for you. I believe your answers may be of interest to my readers.
What do you like most about e Republik?

Wingfiel😛 I enjoy helping new people.

Kara: What do you like least?

Wingfiel😛 Trolls, scammers and flamers. A troll is an electronic version of the mythological
monster - generally brutish, ignorant, vicious and rude Scammers are thieves, fraudsters
and swindlers just like in real life. They prey on newbies and other trusting types.
Flamers attack people in articles and especially in comments, going mainly ad
hominem rather than on the substance of the argument.

Kara: What was your perception of this game as a newbie compared to now?

Wingfiel😛 I didn’t think it could get so involved.

Kara: Was there anything that surprised you?

Wingfiel😛 The level of bad English that is prevalent among otherwise very intelligent people.

Kara: Is there anything that disappoints you?

Wingfiel😛 The idea held by many that the ends justify the means. I believe that a social strategy
game implies just that and that RL values apply unless a particular game mechanic
renders them impracticable in certain circumstances. As I’ve said before, pure role
playing among fantasy concepts is for things like Dungeons and Dragons.

Kara: Did you have any misperceptions coming into this game?

Wingfiel😛 None that really affected me, except for an issue where I misunderstood the citizenship
rules and unfairly criticized some good people.

Kara: Have you ever spoken out against something in this game and realized later you were wrong?

Wingfiel😛 Yes. I made a fuss about Cabinet members being citizens of other countries without
understanding that it was a game mechanics thing and we were helping an ally. I took
down the article and apologized. On other occasions I have spoken out and been
attacked for it but stand by what I said. However, even then, I feel that there is a time to
end arguments and I did so in the middle of a major row once it became apparent that
we all had to stand together to defend against an external threat.

Kara: What are you most proud of in this game?

Wingfiel😛 Offering to help over 1,000 new citizens make a good start and find their way in the New

Kara: Now, as you are aware, some people choose a different role in this world compared to RL.
For example, some may decide to dabble in Socialism, yet be Conservative. Do you make
decisions in this game as if it were real life? Any experimentation?

Wingfiel😛 I do unless the game itself prevents me. I believe in dealing honestly and fairly with
people and keeping my word. If I am wrong I will retract and even if I am right but too
much damage is being done by a dispute I will end it. I like to encourage people who are
learning. Unfortunately, I expect RL values from people, even when some people do not
like playing the game that way.

Kara: I understand you’re running for Congress in Wyoming. Why there?

Wingfiel😛 "Of course, I fell in love with Wyoming the day I first saw 'Shane'!"

Wingfiel😛 But seriously, I always wanted to run in Washington but then Dania got the USWP
endorsement. She is a very good candidate and I hope she does well. I then asked
around in a few States to make sure that I would not be treading on too many toes.
Then I noticed that Wyoming had not been represented in the 18th Congress because
the person who won it last time was banned for having multi accounts. The previous
incumbent was overseas, so I put my hat in the ring.

Kara: Where can potential voters access your platform?

Wingfiel😛 The presentation is here:
I might add that my support for free trade includes increasing import taxes to match
those of our trading partners. Free trade is meant to be two-way. I will also be
unsympathetic to any proposal put up purely to generate experience points but I won’t
be so naive as to abstain from voting. Such proposals need to be voted down for the
sake of the integrity and reputation of Congress.

Kara: What's the best advice you would give to newcomers in this game?

Wingfiel😛 Accept help and mentoring when it is offered. Read the whole screen before you click.
Chill out when necessary.

Kara: And finally. What's the most misunderstood concept in this game? Did it happen to you?

Wingfield :It is the whole idea of maintaining wellness, fighting and healing. It is simply not clear
enough for recruits. I try to help but I may need to write a whole survival manual for
newbies. I tripped up on the hospital thing on my first day of fighting.

Kara: Well, Wingfield, It has been a pleasure conversing with you this day. Thank you for your time
and good luck in the upcoming elections.

Kara's Korner wishes to publicly endorse Wingfield for Wyoming Congress. No surprise there. He has lived up to the reputation of a true Federalist. Being a Conservative myself, I can relate.

In today's edition of Couch or Korner, we recognize Wingfield. He gets a seat on Kara's Couch of Honor. Alas, no one has annoyed me lately. As a result, the Korner will be empty today.

Today's contest is in two parts. First, identify the woman in the picture. Next, identify who said this: "One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors." First correct response in the comments receives a free gift. Please, only private citizens answer, no Orgs.

One last thing. Do you love chess? So do I. I am accepting challenges for what I like to call Inbox Chess. We can exchange moves using our inboxes. I may even publish the moves if it get's interesting. If it gets real interesting, I will wager gold.

Thank you for your time. Please vote subscribe and tell others.
