[#2]Thai Interview => Mystela & mrle1982

Day 1,951, 12:00 Published in Thailand Georgia by MASSA.

Pozdrav dragi čitaoci. Pred vama je drugi broj Thai Interview-a. Rekao sam da će izlaziti dva puta nedeljno, ali morao sam prve nedelje da napravim malu pauzu. Nadam se da je prvi broj bio ok, i da vam se svideo, a isto tako se nadam i da će vam se svideti ovaj i naredni brojevi.

Moji današnji sagovornici su mrle1982 i Mystela. Interview sa Mystelom će biti na engleskom jeziku, a ukoliko bude potrebe, biće preveden da srpski. Nego, da ne dužim ja mnogo, uživajte..

Thai Interview: Možete li našim čitaocima reći nešto više o sebi?

mrle1982: Zovem se Bojan Djordjevic, iz Beograda sam i imam 30 godina. Vazduhoplovni sam tehnicar, a kao svaki normalan Srbin bavim se zanimanjem koje nema veze sa onim za sta sam se skolovao... Bavim se logistikom i spedicijom. Visok, lep, razvijen, pametan... Klasika...

Thai Interview:Could you tell our readers something more about yourself?

Mystela: My name is Patricia. I'm a baby boomer living right by the Saint Lawrence River in Verdun, an old city in Quebec, Canada. The things that I like the most are music, nature, art, photography, genealogy, archeology, history, the internet... anything that doesn't involve house work. 😛

I've had several jobs, including 15 years as a Supervisor in Group Pensions Administration, 5 years Administration for the Salvation Army & 8 years Medical Group Administration & Medical Secretary. Currently unemployed. :/
Thai Interview: Da li bi bio ljubazan da nam opišeš mesto u koje bi želeo da odeš, ili mesto u kom trenutno živiš?

mrle1982: Zivim u Beogradu, tako da nema razloga da opisujem mesto u kom zivim. Volim da putujem, ali od kako sam zavrsio skolu (i naucio sta tacno u avionu moze da krene naopako) nisam nesto lud za letenjem. Voleo bih da vidim Sankt Peterburg, Skotsku, Tajland, naravno. Nisam nesto lud za Amerikom, a ne bih u Juznu Ameriku, ima gomila komaraca... Ali bih definitivno posetio Berlin jos koji put. I naravno, kad Mystela dodje u Beograd, da je odvedem na utakmicu Partizana, ali da obeca da je nece uhapsiti zbog izazivanja nereda na sportskim borilistima 😛

Thai Interview: Would you be so kind to describe to us a place where would you like to go, or your current place where you live?

Mystela:I have family scattered all over North America that I would love to see. But because of this game, I would really love to visit Serbia & Thailand!

I want to rent an ocean front beach house in Southern Thailand & sit out at night with the one player that I know there, listening to the waves, watching the stars, safe in the knowledge that Romper & Princess RD1234 couldn't take it from me. 🙂

I'd love to go to Serbia & take all of you out somewhere with good music & drinks, where we could laugh & talk & dance all night long & then, when they closed up, we could go to eat in a warm, quiet place with great food & laugh & talk until sunrise. I really want to go here: http://youtu.be/LoIBpmaJLK4 & do that, but without the fireworks & I'll keep my top on! 😉

Or all of you could come to Montreal & we'll do all of that here! \o/
Thai Interview: Bio si CP eSrbije, kako ti je bilo tada, da li bi ikada ponovio to?

mrle1982: Tek kasnije sam provalio da sam ja suvise ozbiljno pristupio tome. Ceo zivot sam mesec dana podredio tom mandatu, tako da mogu reci da je kasnije, zbog spleta raznih okolnosti, mandat mozda bio okidac za mnoge lose stvari koje su se desile. Lepih trenutaka je bilo. Osecaj kad sam pisao poslednji izvestaj (bilo ih je najmanje 9 za mesec dana, a ne ko danas sto pisu prvo obracanje i izvestaj na kraju mandata...), osecaj kad smo isterali Amere iz Azije, vratili sve dugove... Lose strane... uh.... Nije toliko strasno ni tih mesec dana posvetiti necemu koliko doziveti da ljudi omalovazavaju trud, iskrenu zelju da se nesto dobro uradi. Izmisljaju stvari, spletkare, pokusavaju da ti zabodu noz u ledja na svakom koraku. U Srbiji nikad vise...

Thai Interview: How did u hear about eRepublik first of all, and does your nick have any significance?

Mystela:I'm a member of a gaming community & on their Web site forum, there was an ad for eRepublik. I had never played a “strategy” game before & I wanted to see what it was like.

My nick is a combination of 2 old eRep characters, Stelawrat (eCanada) & Myst Forever (eUSA), My+stela. Stelawrat is a nick that I've used for years & is a mini version of another nick that I use, stlawrenceriverrat, because I love the river, like a river rat.
Thai Interview: Otkud ti na Tajlandu?

mrle1982:Kada definitivno nisam mogao vise u Srbiji krenuo sam da saram po zemljama. Isao sam u Novi Zeland, Svedsku, Indoneziju, Meksiko (te epizode se mnogi secaju 😉 ), Poljsku... U Poljskoj sam imao cast da budem u Gromu gde sam stekao mnogo dobrih drugara i stvarno mi je to jedan od najlepsih perioda igranja. O Tajlandu sam malo znao i onda je Salojko poceo da me sektasi kako je tu sve super, kako imate kolace svaki dan, kako vas sluze meleskinje u toplesu... Prvo sam odbio, ali on je bio toliko naporan da sam na kraju prihvatio.

Thai Interview: What brings you to eThailand?

Mystela:When I decided to make a 3rd. character, I wanted it to be on a small team, preferably an opposition team. I wanted a chance to get to know the “enemy” players. I was thinking that I probably wouldn't play the game for that much longer & I wanted to know these players before I left for good or the game disappeared.

I looked at lots of teams & narrowed it down to 2, New Zealand & Thailand. I chose Thailand because of it's location & because as a team, you were so mysterious, so well guarded that I knew very little about you, except that the team was primarily Serbian, which made you the black sheep of the game & that made it a good fit for me as well. 😉
Thai Interview: Da li si ijednom do sada zažalio što si došao?

mrle1982: Ni jednog trenutka se nisam pokajao. Prija mi da igram igru, koja treba da me opusti, sa ljudima kojima mogu da verujem, koji ce sve uraditi za isti cilj. Kajem se samo sto nisam ranije dosao.

Thai Interview: What do you think about the people from eThai?

Mystela:You are like a real life close family, more so than any team that I've ever known in any game & I've played a ton of games. I really appreciate the level of respect that you have for one another, no matter the nationality, your generosity, your sense of humour. I love the genuine pride that you feel for eThailand, your determination to protect your relaxed style of play, your healthy competitive spirit, your desire to make this the best place ever. As a core team, you are second to none. As people, you are all number one!! Okay, the Child is number one+. 😘*
Thai Interview: Šta misliš, 'oće li ovaj Mioković pritisnuti već jednom neke dugmiće bre?

mrle1982:Miokovic je zena i nema milos!Miokovic me podseca na nase fudbalere. Sve vreme najavljuje pakao, a onda se to izjalovi 😛
Salim se. Ma koliko ja zeleo da ratujemo, ovi pametnjakovici stalno nesto menjaju tako da je dobro par puta razmisliti pre nego sto se napravi neki potez zbog kog bi posle zazalili. Bice rata...

Thai Interview: How do you manage to understand our language?

Mystela:Well I suspect that I don't always understand. 😛 I use Google a lot, but I've learned a lot of everyday words like hvala, laku noc, dobro jutro, momci, ne, dan, dete, srecan rodendan & Mio taught me napad, napad, napaaaaaad !!1!
Thai Interview: Gde bi Tajland trebalo da 'odleti'?

mrle1982:Odlicno pitanje, ali ako bih ti odgovorio, Kinezi bi saznali da planiramo air strike na Liaoning... Ups.
Thai Interview: Šta je po tebi 'uživanje' u ovoj igri?

mrle1982:Mislim da je to ta sumanuta strast sa kojom igramo. Onaj osecaj kad pogledam na poslu ljudima face posto me Salojko ili Slobodan prvi pozovu i onda pricamo kako Indonezija stavlja Maleziju za NE 😃
Citiracu TOO, druzenje je najvece uzivanje.

Thai Interview: What is the 'pleasure' in this game, in your opinion?

Mystela:The people, really only the people. Reading the articles & shouts by players that are not game related, often with links to music or sports or home town videos, pictures of players at meet ups! \o/ That's great too, letting the rest of us share a bit in the laughter & fun.

Reading the game articles & shouts by these same players & others, who understand how to play, who are imaginative, who can be highly competitive, yet troll or taunt without slagging, without resorting to rl events for in game ammunition. Seeing players help one another. It doesn't happen often enough, but when it's a real challenge, seeing whole teams pull together to fight. That can be wild & great!
Thai Interview: Imaš li neku poruku za kraj i ljude koji ovo čitaju? Takodje, zamolio bih te da daš link od jedne pesme po tvom izboru.

mrle1982:Ljudi, ako niste prevaranti, dodjite na Tajland, a u svakom slucaju donirajte za nas Air Strike. Ovo je igra! Pozdravio bih sve koji me znaju i misle da sam bas super. Pesma:
Podseca na neko vreme kad sam bio srecan...

Thai Interview:Finally, do you have any message for the people who read this? Also, I would like to ask you for a link of one song of your choice.

Mystela:I still can't believe how short life is & that we only get one chance at it & that we have no say when it will end, young or old, whether it's right now or tomorrow or next year. Please hold that thought & let it guide you through the days that are left to you.

There are so many songs, so hard to choose... but this is the one! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vr3x_RRJdd4
Big hugs!! \o/ & thank you! 😘*******

Želeo bih da se zahvalim Mrletu i Mysteli na odgovorima. Bili ste sjajni.
Thank you Mystela for the answers, you were great.

A kako naš list saznaje, trandže su kupile par aviona srpske proizvodnje 'Soko J-22 Orao' i spremaju se za vazdušni napad. Ovo je njihova poruka:

Klikom na sliku dolazite do stranice gde je moguće doniranje.

To bi bilo sve za ovaj broj. Hvala na pažnji, i asta la vista do sledećeg izdanja.

Pozdrav \o/