[2 New Mission]Just a Suggestion

Day 1,486, 16:59 Published in Slovenia Indonesia by Ardianta Jaka Prabawa

If you hard to complete this misson or feel confuse,
you can take this .. 😃
( in my opinion, absolutely )

New Mission :
1. Enter 2012 as a true Patriot

in my calculate ,
we can finish it in 12 days if :

in a day we can defeat 25 enemies for our country / 50 enemies in 2 days

if your daily order for your country, it`s good for you or you`re lucky 😃
but, if your Daily Order in another battle,
I prefer you must obey it and finish hit later, ( because you have to get bazoka and candy for another mission )


2. Get your best Stats before 2012

in my opinion,
we should finish it after we finish the before mission ( Enter 2012 as a true patriot )
why ??
- We need 10 bazoka in mission before
- in day 1501/2 ( I hope ) I will got more bazoka because I`ve done my daily order. ( and I have 10 bazoka now , so I think 25 bazoka with tanks can over it )
- but, if your best damage more than 2 milions, I`m sorry I don`t know how I give you advice 😛

maybe that all ..

see ya 😛

Versi Indonesia

Bingung nyelesaiin misi ??
Monggo di coba saran saya :

New Mission :
1. Enter 2012 as a true Patriot

kalau saya hitung2,
misi ini bisa selesai dalam 12 hari :

sehari bunuh 25 musuh untuk negara kita / 50 musuh dalam 2 hari

Beruntunglah kamu kalau misal DO nya pas sama misi , jadi gak kerja doble.
klo gak ? ya kerja doble 😛
tapi, saran saya, klo kerja doble, mending tetep utamain DO, karena bonus permen ama bazoka buat misi selanjutnya..


2. Get your best Stats before 2012

Kalau saya pikir2,
Kita nyelesaikannya setelah misi ( Enter 2012 as a true patriot )
kenapa mas bro ?
- Kita butuh 10 bazoka untuk misi sebelumnya, ( klo dipake dlu, nyari bazoka gak ada woi )
- Hari ke 1501/2 ( I harapannya ) Kita akan dapat lebih banyak basoka, karena sudah nyelesaiin DO. ( sekarang udah ada 10 bazoka, jadi 25 bazoka cukup lah buat ngelampauin target )
- tapi kalau damage sampeyan lebih besar dari 2 juta, yo monggo2
ikut berdoa aja lah 😃

Munggkin itu dlu ..

dadah 😛

Best Regards,

* Dont forget to Subcribe and Comment my article *

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