[創刊號] 貓友連線-1st 樂透截止日Day1445

Day 1,438, 05:17 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Serbia by iawhoami

或者你可以直接叫我i喵 :3
Goodnight everyone, this is iawhoami
Or you can just call me i-meow :3

This is me first time writing the newspaper, the reason why I want to send this post is that there are something changes in my real life, and also the changes in my mind

Of course there is some frustration, but you can't disappoint over 5 minutes because there are many things you haven't finish yet

The foreword is not important, the truth article is going to begin

慶祝我自己的改變,也期許eROC能夠更加茁壯成長,拿出所有的資產來助興 :3
Celebrating for the change of mine, and also wishes that eROC can be more stronger and well known in erep, I transfer all the fortune into 2000 tanks

I would send all the tanks in this article as the lottery, the message below is the way to get the prize

The price will be divided into three part

The biggest price is 1000 tanks
The second price is 600 tanks
The third price is 400 tanks

如何拿到獎呢? 你需要以下幾件事情
1. 留下你的vote、sub數
2. 加我成為貓友 :3
3. 寫下一句你/妳想對eROC的期許,或是你/妳想對我說的話
4. shout給更多人知道eROC

In order to win the prize, you shoud..
1. Write down your vote and subscribe number
2. Add me as the Cat fellow :3
3. Write down a wish for eROC, or a word for me
4. Shout this article to your friends

獎項會在Day1445 公佈得獎者,也就是下禮拜的週末,如果我沒忘記的話 lol
The winners will be announced at Day1445 if i haven't forgot to announce lol

感謝所有人的期許,也感謝我自己,讓我不用再這麼苦惱 :3
Thank you for your wishes :3

the lottery winner

The biggest price is 1000 tanks

congratulations! the winner is v111

The second price is 600 tanks

congratulations! the winner is v60

The third price is 400 tanks

congratulations! the winner is v49

the log :3