رياست جمهوري

Day 593, 00:49 Published in Indonesia Iran by SARINA

امروز روز انتخاباته
خاطرات تلخ و شيرين اين چند روزه اين بار داره در ايري تكرار ميشه
دلم شكسته و دهنم بسته
اميدوارم آتيلا حداقل در دنياي مجازي آبروي ما ايراني ها رو بخره
به اميد موفقيت و سربلندي همه ايرانيان

Today is the president election,
During these days the bitter sweet memories is going to be repeat,
My heart is broken and my mouse is closed,
I hope the new president ( Atilaa ) could renew our brilliant background at least in virtual world.
Best wishes for all Iranians.