[懶人與懶報紙] 新國家

Day 2,369, 09:48 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by Marvin Lin


1. 有兩種方式申請新國籍
a. Citizen Rush
也就是搶快, 誰點的快誰就中選(FIFS), 名額有限(各國20個)
(注意: 一但你點下去, 那就不能改變心意了)

b. Citizen Raffle
搶不到Rush沒關係, 還可以用抽(randomly, 也就是隨機)的, 也就是Citizen Raffle

2. 每個國家的名額(懶的翻, 直接貼)
“Country: The amount given on the Citizenship Rush + the amount given on the Citizenship Raffle”
- Armenia: 20 + 100
- Cuba: 20 + 70
- Georgia: 20 + 100
- Nigeria: 20 + 100

3. 這些人沒有參加Raffle資格:
也就是不到lv25, 國內有官方的職務或候選人, 已在別的新國家提出申請者

- Player is below level 25
- Player is currently a Country President
- Player is currently a Congressman
- Player is currently a Party President
- Player is currently a Party member and running for Congress
- Player has already been granted a Citizenship in another new country (from the Rush or Raffle)

4. 時程: (這不用翻了啦)
A new Citizenship Rush / Raffle will start every 6 hours, and each lasts for 24 hours.

- Tuesday Day 2,373 😇0 eRepublik time: Armenia’s Citizenship Rush and Raffle start
- Tuesday Day 2,373 6:00 eRepublik time: Georgia’s Citizenship Rush and Raffle start
- Tuesday Day 2,373 12:00 eRepublik time: Cuba’s Citizenship Rush and Raffle start
- Tuesday Day 2,373 18:00 eRepublik time: Nigeria’s Citizenship Rush and Raffle start
- Wednesday Day 2,374 😇0 eRepublik time: Armenia’s Citizenship Raffle ends
- Wednesday Day 2,374 6:00 eRepublik time: Georgia’s Citizenship Raffle ends
- Wednesday Day 2,374 12:00 eRepublik time: Cuba’s Citizenship Raffle ends
- Wednesday Day 2,374 18:00 eRepublik time: Nigeria’s Citizenship Raffle ends

5. 獎章
嗯, 就是第一批有沒用但可以洗畫面的獎章, 各國不同!

6. 資源加乘
不管怎樣, 武/食 在4個月內至少都有50%加乘, 可以超過, 但不會更少.