[馬文大叔抱, 外電] 巴西背叛我們了嗎?

Day 2,134, 18:16 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by Marvin Lin

原文標題:Betrayal by Brazil?
原文作者:Israel Stevens




My fellow Americans,

Mere moments ago, our supposed ‘greatest ally’, Brazil proposed a MPP with Spain.

It’s no secret that the United States has had a lukewarm relationship with Spain in the past year. They’ve been the least terrible of all the TWO nations. Admittedly, that’s not saying a lot. But up until recently, they had stayed out of TWO’s massive invasion of the United States.

Now however, we are at war with Spain. And to see Brazil do something this low, and cowardly is a true punch in the stomach.

Why this stings so much

Brazil did a lot for us.

They sent us ATO voters even while their own country was under the threat of a Romanian PTO. They went out on a limb with us when Terra was formed. It took a lot for them to do that, just like it did for us. They held communes for us, after we lost our bonuses, just as we had held communes for them during our Golden Age.
他們曾派人幫我們做ATO投票,就在他們自己也面臨羅馬尼亞PTO威脅的時候;當Terra創立時,他們與我們攜手走過風雨。他們為此付出許多,就如我們才為此所花過的心力般。當我們失去資源時,他們幫助我們,就如當我們過好日子(Golden Age)時,我們幫助他們一樣。

Brazil and the United States had a bromance that was born out of our mutual struggles. Following the collapse of Terra and CTRL, both nations needed a home but neither of us wanted to join EDEN. So we resolved to stand together. On our own against ONE. We would do everything that we could for each other, not just because we had to, but because we wanted to.

Our bromance was a real one. It wasn’t a foreign policy stunt.

I was the Secretary of State that helped draw up the United States’ first Bromance Pact. 306 days ago, on Day 1872 President Cerb and President RegisAJR signed the bropact, permanently and publicly cementing our love and respect for each other.
在我擔任美國國務卿時,起草了我們的第一份兄弟協議(Bromance Pact)。306天以前,在Day 1872時,兩國總統Cerb與RegisAIR共同簽下這份公約,以永久的且公開的促進我們互愛與互敬。

The United States destroyed our relationship with other countries in order to stand by Brazil. We supported their foolhardy attempt to attack China, even though we knew that doing so would forever ruin any chance we might have of wooing China.


It was a huge risk for us, but we did it willingly. That’s how much we cared about Brazil and how much we we were willing to sacrifice for them.


So how did we get here?

There has always been an internal struggle within Brazil. A strong push to return to the days of Phoenix and PEACE when Brazil was allied with Serbia and Hungary.

It is similar to the internal dynamics of the United States. The major difference being that both sides have political power and extensive foreign policy contacts, and of course that no one in the USA wants to ally Serbia.

This leads to shifts in Brazilian foreign policy on a monthly basis, making them a difficult country to rely on. And it leads to the United States supporting Brazilian plans that we know are foolish (ie: trying to invade China).

All of this fickleness has meant that our once powerful bromance has been losing it’s importance to us. At a certain point, it gets tiring trying to continually appease an ally that may not be worth your time. Add in the rise of our friendships in Circle of Trust and continually following Brazil from one silly initiative to the next just isn’t worth it anymore.

When we had no one else, we spent a lot of time trying to keep Brazil from allying Poland or Spain or Serbia. But our focus has been elsewhere of late, and this lapse in attention has meant that Brazil has looked elsewhere for damage.

Where do we go from here?

After everything we’ve been through with Brazil, this stings a lot. All of the sacrifices we’ve made and all that we’ve given up is being tossed away.

But all is not lost. We still have friends in Brazil, and there are still people that I am proud to call not just my ally but my friend as well. The strongest military unit in Brazil, C.A.T. Brasil is still considered to be an ally of the United States. We will continue to support them, and know that they will continue to fight the good fight in a nation gone astray.
但我們還沒失去全部。我們依然有朋友在巴西,我很驕傲的想說,這群人不只是我們的「盟友」,他們是我的「朋友」。他們是巴西最強大的軍團─C.A.T. Brasil。我們會繼續支持他們,並知道他們會繼續在國家走錯方向的情況下依然打在正確的戰場上輸出。
Hail CAT!

I am still holding out hope that the Brazilian Congress will come to their senses and vote this law down. There is still almost 22 hours left, and many votes outstanding.

This relationship can still be saved. Years of friendship does not go down the drain just because of one MPP.

I am extending the olive branch, and willing to double down on our relationship with Brazil, if they are willing to step back from the ledge.

Here’s hoping.