(РОЗДАЧА новачкам (УКР-БІЛ) україно-білоруська дружба

Day 1,724, 02:26 Published in Ukraine Ukraine by Back from Black

Роздача 🙂

На честь україно-білоруської дружби, а також з приводу бейбі-бумів у братніх країнах

молодь 1-27 рівня, яка залишить коментар, отримає булки на 600 хп + 3ку6 танкчика

Кожны пачатковец з грамадзянствам еБеларусі (да 27 ўзроўню ўключна), які пакіне каментар у гэтым артыкуле, атрымае булачак на 600 хп і 3 ку6 танка.
(прохання: перевірте щоб на складі було 103 вільного місця!)

і трохи няшок на додачу:

Жыве Беларусь!

Слава Україні!

(приймаються пожертви для роздачі новачкам :
Skorpion1984 has transferred 2000 (Q4)Food to your storage
Odonacer has transferred 2000 (Q2) Food to your storage
PuPzemli89 has transferred 1500 (Q6) Food to your storage
holyrewell has transferred 643 (q3) Food to your storage
holyrewell has transferred 810 (q5) Food to your storage
Skorpion1984 has transferred 100 (Q6) Weapons to your storage
Hyena Black has transferred 250 (q5) Food to your storage
Stepan Siver has transferred 1000 (Q2) Food to your storage
Roman KR has transferred 2000 (Q1) Food to your storage
Bobrikov has transferred 1000 (Q2) Food to your storage
Skorpion1984 has transferred 500 Food to your storage
MarconiUA has transferred 200 Food to your storage
Tarasiy has transferred 400 Food to your storage
Doberman.88 has transferred 1400 (q1)Food to your storage
Skorpion1984 has transferred 2000 (q3) Food to your storage
Sercom has transferred 500 (q2) Food to your storage
Papandopalo has transferred 400 (q2)Food to your storage
Odonacer has transferred 1000 (q2) Food to your storage
Odonacer has transferred 1000 (Q2) Food to your storage
Vincarna has transferred 1000 (Q2) Food to your storage )