еДелије деле рсд!!!!!!!!!!! --> ПОДЕЛА ЗАВРШЕНА <--

Day 1,629, 15:33 Published in Serbia Croatia by Alexczbg

Поздрав свима!

Решио сам да направим малу поделу пара.

Услови су:
1) Свако ко да sub и votе добиће по 50 рсд-а
2) Свако ко је члан само јединице или странке Делије Север добиће 100 рсд-а
(доле имате линк странке и јединице)
3) А Свако ко је члан и јединице и странке у исто време добиће 200 рсд-а

Странка: http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/delije-sever--2679
Јединица: http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/group-show/647?page=1

Разглас: еДелије деле рсд!!!!!!!!!!!

Уколико је неко заинтересован да донира било шта, слободно....име ће бити објављено у чланку и свако ко добије рсд биће забележено у дну чланка.

You have successfully donated 200 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (LakiAragorn)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account.(Cowboy From Heaven )
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (vucesmoj)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (Atomicserb)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (Triumphus)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (tarbuh)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (E=mc^2)
You have successfully donated 200 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (c0a*c0rle0ne)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (Srdjdjan)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (1978drgonzo)
You have successfully donated 200 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (Milanj26)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (BlueTheNick)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (VrTunADemo)
You have successfully donated 100 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (EtoMilicije)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (mrslav)
You have successfully donated 200 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (entyy3)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (Milos9420)
You have successfully donated 200 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (God boys)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (Death1234)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (miki888😎
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (ivothege)
You have successfully donated 100 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (mija64)
You have successfully donated 100 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (Aleksandar stari)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (markiano)
You have successfully donated 200 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (andrej veliki)
You have successfully donated 200 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (uMomSrcuKucaSamo ZVEZDA)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (Shackal017)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (djole2806)
You have successfully donated 200 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (Mellez)
You have successfully donated 200 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (dead by tomorrrow)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (theJaBre)
You have successfully donated 100 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (Bolorg)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (lemi89)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (Roki Drobnjak)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (McG ReBorn)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (Cika Doc Holliday)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (vukoj3binac)
You have successfully donated 100 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (Dejan Torbica)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (GemaMilos)
You have successfully donated 100 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (TheNemacKaraburma)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (dundjer1)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (Djordje Marjanovic 96)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (Porodica Tarana)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (begbane)
You have successfully donated 200 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (Zeljana Milic)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (madafaka1991)
You have successfully donated 200 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (ThePosqr)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (Milic Dzakula)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (anija)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (rolerpro)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (MP55)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (Lazavaza)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (ava tarium)
You have successfully donated 100 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (SharkWithAKnife)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (pr0perZ)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (pedrosimao)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (konstantincukilo)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (Beloslava681)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (tasic)
You have successfully donated 200 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (m4r3st)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (Monkeyman2000)
You have successfully donated 200 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (FreakvensioN)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (Gargamel9849)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (WhirlWindBG)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (gogi buba)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (VozdKraradjordje)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (TIM EOOD)
You have successfully donated 100 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (Mpk futog)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (Dimitrije Tosic)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (Dragannbgd)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (Soki7😎
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (PantaVan)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (KabalNS)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (prki 89)
You have successfully donated 50 RSD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account. (d2312972)