Световен ден на танца [Честит празник, колеги]

Day 1,622, 11:37 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by AlexAndreeva

Днес (29 април) е Международният ден на танца. Честит празник на всички танцьори! Воля, вдъхновение, мотивация и само напред! Цял живот се занимавам с много видове танци и нямаше как да припусна този. Световен ден на танца (International (World) Dance Day) се чества от 1982 г. по решение на ЮНЕСКО на рождения ден на френския хореограф Жан-Жорж Новера (Jean-Georges Noverre), реформатор и теоретик на хореографията, който влиза в историята като "бащата на съвременният балет". За да отбележа този ден ще ви предложа известни цитати на прочути танцьори, хореографи и корепетитори.

Dancing with the feet is one thing, but dancing with the heart is another. ~Author Unknown

Dance till the stars come down from the rafters
Dance, Dance, Dance till you drop.
~W.H. Auden
In a dancer, there is a reverence for such forgotten things as the miracle of the small beautiful bones and their delicate strength. ~Martha Graham
I don't want people who want to dance, I want people who have to dance. ~George Balanchine
Dancing is the poetry of the foot. ~John Dryden
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance. ~Author Unknown
Dance is the hidden language of the soul. ~Martha Graham

Dancing is moving to the music without stepping on anyone's toes, pretty much the same as life. ~Robert Brault
Dancing is just discovery, discovery, discovery. ~Martha Graham

Through dancing many maidens have been unmaidened, whereby I may say it is the storehouse and nursery of bastardy. ~John Northbrooke

Movement never lies. It is a barometer telling the state of the soul's weather to all who can read it. ~Martha Graham

Dance is a song of the body. Either of joy or pain. ~Martha Graham

The dance is a poem of which each movement is a word. ~Mata Hari

We ought to dance with rapture that we might be alive... and part of the living, incarnate cosmos. ~D.H. Lawrence

Dancing is the world's favorite metaphor. ~ Kristy Nilsson
Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but your living room. ~Kurt Vonnegut