Новый альянс - Франция, Германия, Португалия, Ирландия.

Day 1,539, 16:23 Published in Russia Russia by Kayn_82

Доброе утро страна и радости вам - Хромушка наш президент🙂
Создан новый региональный союз Франции, Германии, Португалии и Ирландии.
Текст договора: (eng)
Chapter I: Purposes and Principles
By signing the Commonwealth Agreement, France, Germany, Ireland and Portugal acknowledge
the good relations that bind their countries together and hereby commit to bringing them to an
official level.
This strategic partnership is the culmination of a long period of respect and mutual help, being
signed on the basis of cooperation and friendship between good friends.
We, the countries that signed the Commonwealth Agreement, wish to continue to increase this
level cooperation and friendship between our peoples, working as well to ensure peace and to
protect the sovereignty of each of our countries.
DISCLAIMER: While this treaty aims at strengthening these bonds, we do not seek, nor do we
wish to attain the organization level of an alliance. Rather, this treaty is to be regarded as an
agreement between good neighbours and another proof of the strong bonds between TERRAN
and EDEN countries.
Article 1: Territorial Integrity
By signing the Commonwealth Agreement, France, Germany, Ireland and Portugal hereby swear
to respect each other’s territorial, along with political integrity and will not interfere on such
decisions. These countries also agree on the following points:
1. We agree that the southern part of the British Isles is to be considered French territory with
Londres (formerly referred to as “London”) as its political center and will work to ensure that
peace will be kept on this region.
2. We acknowledge Germany’s political union with Denmark and will respect it along with
German wishes. Any unilateral declaration concerning this issue will not be accepted.
3. We recognize the eIrish Republic as the only rightful owner of the Island of Ireland, along with
all of its provinces. This includes the province of “Northern Ireland”. We will work to ensure that
no region in this island is placed under foreign occupation.
4. We agree that the territory of former Venezuela is to be referred to as the “Portuguese Colony
of New Cabinda” (Português: Nova Cabinda), with Caracas as its political center, and will work
to ensure that peace will be kept on this region.
Article 2: Pact of Non-Aggression
Under the Commonwealth Agreement, these countries agree to sign a permanent Pact of
Non-Aggression that will continue to last as long as this treaty is valid. This pact lays its
foundation on the following points:
1. France, Germany, Ireland and Portugal hereby swear not to declare war on each other.
Obvious exceptions for this rule are any Region Swaps and Training Wars, decided by bilateral
2. No country shall provide any kind of help (be it military, economic or diplomatic) to any country
currently at war with any of these nations. This includes the deployment of troops, signing of
MPPs or donation of funds to enemy nations.
3. Any PTO attempts (even those non-affiliated with any governments) against any of the other
countries, are to be fiercely condemned and fought against.
4. Economic relations are not to be hindered by Trade Embargoes.
Chapter II: Mutual Protection and Cooperation
Article 1: Military Protection
Under this agreement, France, Germany, Ireland and Portugal will guarantee the independence
of each other and ensure that it is kept, not only in territorial but also in political terms.
1. Mutual Protection Pacts are to be signed and constantly renewed between these nations as
2. With its members being part of two strong, sovereign alliances, the Commonwealth will leave
any military issues and strategy to the tutelage and will of EDEN and TERRA.
3. In the case that one of these countries is wiped or loses the majority of their resources, at the
request of their President, their army will be able to migrate their companies into any member of
this Treaty, so as to use their bonuses to continue the war effort. While enjoying their hosts
hospitality, these armies will be forbidden to interfere on political affairs.
Article 2: Political Protection
In the case that one of these countries is under threat of an enemy Political Take-Over, at the
request of this country’s President, the other ones will be expected to:
1. Attend a strategic summit, concerning the organization of Anti Political Take-Over efforts.
2. Publicly denounce the said PTO to raise awareness.
3. Organize a joint task-force with members of all other three nations, which will travel to the
threatened country and act according to the Anti Take-Over objectives, leaving as soon as the
immediate danger is over. The constitution of this force will bear in mind the gravity of the PTO
threat, along with what each country is able to provide.
Article 3: Social and Diplomatic cooperation
Always respecting the individual interests of TERRA and EDEN, the countries who are under this
Treaty agree to:
1. Share any information which can threaten the safety of these nations.
2. Defend these countries’ interests inside EDEN and TERRA
3. Promote contact between their peoples’, by organizing monthly games between citizens. This
task will be the responsibility of each Government, who is expected to convene in a summit
called by the Treaty’s Chairman to discuss the nature of these competitions.
Chapter III: Concerning the Treaty’s Organization
Under the Commonwealth Agreement, each country has equal rights, regardless of population
size and military strength. While we do not seek to have the weight of a military alliance (such
issues will be left for EDEN and TERRA), we recognize the importance of having proper
organization. So, to represent the Commonwealth’s members and to organize summits and joint
1. Starting on February 2012, a Chairman will be elected every 7th day of every month.
2. This Chairman will be a candidate, proposed by individual country presidents and decided in a
summit through a suffrage. Those eligible to vote on this suffrage are the four Presidents (or
other representatives of the country), along with the current Chairman itself.
3. To ensure rotation of responsibilities, the new Chairman’s nationality cannot be the same as
the previous one’s.
4. After being elected, this Chairman is expected to
a) Publish an article in English concerning the new chairmanship
b) Publish any articles concerning new changes, as deemed necessary
c) Organize meetings and discussions about any important issues that arise.
d) Organize the summit that will elect the next chairman.
e) Contact representatives from each country concerning Chapter II, Article 3, Line 3.
5. The Chairman acts merely as a representative and organizer of the treaty, bearing no political
weight or influence. All decisions are to be taken in summits through voting. These must be
unanimously accepted by the country’s representatives in order to take effect.
Chapter IV: Concerning the flexibility of the treaty
This treaty is based on the interests of each of signing countries at a certain point in time. Any
signing country can call for an update of the agreement whenever it is judged necessary. Each
modification has to be accepted by all parties in order to take effect. Should these negotiations
fail and the said country is unable to make its update proposal approved, it may leave the treaty
by simple notification to the chairman.
On behalf of the countries who agree to this agreement:
Pamplemousse92, French President
staruszek, German President
columbia, Irish Minister of Foreign Affairs
S.Ribeiro, Portuguese Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Текст договора (рус.)
Подписанный договор является вершиной в сотрудничестве между четырьмя странами Францией, Германией, Португалией и Ирландией. Это стратегическое партнерство является кульминацией длительного периода взаимного уважения и взаимной помощи, подписанный на основе сотрудничества и дружбы между хорошими друзьями.
Страны, которые подписали «Соглашение о Содружестве", хотят продолжать увеличивать уровень дружбы между нашими народами, чтобы обеспечить мир и защитить суверенитет каждой из наших стран.
Внимание: Этот договор рассматривается как соглашение между добрыми соседями и еще одно свидетельство тесной связи между TERRA и EDEN.
Часть 1. Подписание «Соглашения о Союзе" - Франция, Германия, Ирландия и Португалия клянутся уважать территориальную целостность и политическую независимость.
Статья 1. Договор содержит следующие подпункты
а. Территория Южной Англии (прежде известная как Лондон) отныне и во все временя объявляется территорией Франции.
б. Мы признаем политический союз Германии и Дании и будем уважать его. Любое одностороннее заявление по этому вопросу не будет принято в содружестве.
в. Мы признаем, что Ирландской Республики является единственным законным владельцем острова Ирландия, вместе со всеми ее регионами (включая область Северная Ирландия). Мы приложим все усилия для сохраниния этого .
г. Мы признаем, что бывшие территории Венесуэлы будет именоваться как "португальская колония Новая Кабинда" (Portuguese Colony
of New Cabinda) с центром в Каракасе и будем стремиться к тому, чтобы мир был сохранен в этом регионе.
Статья 2: Пакт о ненападении
В соответствии с Соглашением стран Содружества, стороны договорились заключить постоянный договор о ненападении, который будет продолжаться, пока договор действует. Этот договор устанавливает основания по следующим вопросам:
а. Франции, Германии, Ирландии и Португалии договорились не объявлять войну друг другу. Очевидные исключения из этого пункта - обмен регионами и ТВ.
б. Стороны обязуются не оказывать никакой помощи (военной, экономической и дипломатической) враждебным странам, включая не заключение МПП.
в. Стороны обещают помогать друг другу, если их будут ТО.
г. Запрет на введение торгового эмбарго между странами-союзницами.

Часть 2. О Взаимной защите и сотрудничестве.
Статья 1. МПП длжны быть подписаны и постоянно обновлятся по мере необходимости.
Перевод не окончен... нужен он вообще?

Германский источник.
Болгарский дипломатический корпус.