Day 1,428, 12:01 Published in Serbia North Macedonia by Indominus Rex

У недељу сам написао чланак који је садржао обавештење о почетку прикупљања средстава за ову акцију,и што ми је врло драго,већи број људи се одазвало и помогло 🙂

Циљ акције је колика - толика помоћ нашим бебама !
Делићу по 100 велнеса и 2 тенка 😉

Услов за учествовање у акцији је:
-воте и суб ( у коментару број воте-а и брј суб-а)🙂
-да ме додате за пријатеља🙂
-лвл од 20 - 25 🙂

ЗА ШАУТ: АКЦИЈА - ПОДЕЛА ХЛЕБА И ТЕНКОВА ЗА НАШЕ БЕБЕ http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-1-1885136/1/20

Акцију омогућили следећи донатори:

Gavrilo 5 has transferred 250 Food to your storage.
Gavrilo 5 has transferred 150 Weapons to your storage.
zeljkobacinski1993 has transferred 100 RSD to your account.
kiril pabel has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
JovicaSM has transferred 500 RSD to your account.
Tandana has transferred 120 Food to your storage.
desert hamster has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
SRBIN_RS has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
PeRuNIkola has transferred 40 Food to your storage.
Joe7 has transferred 300 Food to your storage.
Stane Vukombe has transferred 141 Food to your storage.
Jovan Tekelija has transferred 300 Food to your storage.
Le0nida has transferred 20 Food to your storage.
New-and-Now has transfered 50 RSD to your account.
Lucky_Unicorn has transferred 51 Food to your storage.
Lucky_Unicorn has transferred 180 Food to your storage.
Lucky_Unicorn has transferred 180 Food to your storage.
Interceptor_srb has transferred 10 Weapons to your storage
Lipec has transferred 285 Food to your storage.
SickTouch has transfered 20 RSD to your account.
SickTouch has transfered 234 BAM to your account.
SickTouch has transfered 126 HRK to your account.
Mire Vozdovacki has transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
Slobodan Jovic has transferred 120 Food to your storage.
adamche011 has transfered 1000 RSD to your account.
elveon has transferred 500 Food to your storage.
Kibla has transferred 30 Weapons to your storage.
Kibla has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
guive has transferred 100 Weapons to your storage.
o1dschool has transferred 500 Food to your storage.
AmenRa has transfered 266 RSD to your account.
Pegica has transferred 500 Food to your storage.
kircan has transfered 100 RSD to your account.
Jovanelo has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
mladja86 has transferred 200 Food to your storage
Moorhuhn has transferred 500 Food to your storage.
slovenski ratnik has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
BurdusNesrecnik has transferred 400 Food to your storage.
BurdusNesrecnik has transferred 400 Food to your storage.
hknky has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
hknky has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
pfc1 has transferred 2042 Food to your storage.
crvenacvekla has transferred 210 Food to your storage.

Сутра увече почињем са поделом !

Поздрав браћо Срби !