中央日報號外 - 十一月議會選舉結果

Day 1,101, 23:48 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) USA by Jameson L. Tai

EREP.CC資料提供 (http://www.erep.cc/elections/congress?d=201011&country=81&parties=on)
(暫代無頭雞六小時核准 Awaiting Headless Chicken's Six Hour Verification)


恭喜Citizen First Party, 選舉裡用300票競選32位議員(佔第二屆中華民國議會百分之80)
Congratulations to the Citizen First Party, using 300 votes to elect 32 seats (constituting 80% the 2nd Congress of the Republic of China)
競選議員 Elected Candidates:
ReStar, HenryWhite, PTTz, TheIronMan, aibocow, Cobe Bryend, Sadanaga, Sanfire, Kelly Chang, counteryou, tonometer, iam118student, Chihtuci, sakobsm, Richard Nixon II, Chhua, ROC_KMT_ChineseStar, eliteark, ntb77819, SkyAmami, Lywings, sfwejfish, Darrel Anderson 2, choulord, yami no fukuin, ohb0312, Rexable, threedices, Alwaystar, LoisJin, sisko196, Chang Jia Ming

Polar Bear Home, 選舉裡用48票競選3位議員(佔第二屆中華民國議會百分之7.5)
Polar Bear Home, using 48 votes to elect 3 seats (constituting 7.5% the 2nd Congress of the Republic of China)
競選議員 Elected Candidates:
dawenxi, stdlogic, FrankensteinMu

Beep Beep Beep Party, 選舉裡用59票競選4位議員(佔第二屆中華民國議會百分之10)
Beep Beep Beep Party, using 59 votes to elect 4 seats (constituting 10% the 2nd Congress of the Republic of China)
競選議員 Elected Candidates:
PsyLai, LQYMRZKPX, plan2000, olivernam

Taiwan People's Party, 選舉裡用18票競選1位議員(佔第二屆中華民國議會百分之2.5)
Taiwan People's Party, using 18 votes to elect 1 seats (constituting 2.5% the 2nd Congress of the Republic of China)
競選議員 Elected Candidate:

United Power Party沒選/had no candidates

Jameson L. Tai

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