装载 翻译 美国前总统爆料

Day 992, 12:49 Published in China China by mariohexu

美国前总统 Woxan 两个小时前撰文, 无责任转载、翻译

Foward from:

Confessions from a former president

Today's article shall be different than everything you have seen in this newspaper. Dio has enlightened my thoughts enough to let me admit in public one ultimate truth:

I was wrong so many times.

I confess to a great amount of sins committed during my presidential term. The first was choosing Max McFarland 2 to be my National Security Advisor. I realize now that Max spoiled my plans more times than I can count. He poisoned my thoughts and I unknowingly spread the poison to others. Max’s plan involved America joining Phoenix, ignoring the bonds that America and its allies had forged. I was weak and didn’t want to deal with EDEN after PigInZen took America out of it. It seemed like a good plan and it was my first mistake.

Yes, I wanted the eUS to join Phoenix. I even managed to negotiate a NAP with Hungary and Serbia. It resulted in my refusal to join the action in HLJ, as well as faking the infamous screenshot of my presidential panel. It was photoshopped. I was perfectly able to DoW Serbia. I however chose not to do so.

Another thing is that I was the one responsible for a complete failure of the military plans involving swapping Poland into Asia. Serbian government requested to keep Liaoning. I demanded 10k gold from Poland, an amount I knew they were not going to pay. And they did not, which is probably why Liaoning remains Serbian till today.

During my term, I chose to ignore the reality of the situation provided to me by various people in form of advice and intel reports. I publicly insulted various officials who only wanted to help. I became blinded with hate towards some people. I wanted to change the face of the eWorld so badly... I turned out to be an idealist.

I took a break from eRepublik, which I think made me a better person. It’s time to confess my sins and let you, the American people, judge me. If I deserve your condemnation, please do not hesitate to express it.

I was wrong, America.

your ex-President



今天的文章将与以往你在这份报纸上看到的任何一份都不同。Dio启迪了我的思想,足以 让我对公众承认一个最终的事实:


我必须承认我的总统任期期间犯下的深重罪孽。首先是选择 Max McFarland 2作为我的国家安全顾问。我现在知道我的计划被Max破坏的次数数远超过我能计算的。 我对他的谗言毫无意识进而使危机扩大。Max的计划,涉及美国加入凤凰,且是让美国完 全抛弃它的盟国和它与盟友建立起来的信任。我意志软弱,我不想与EDEN打交道特别是 在PigInZen使美国脱离EDEN后。这似乎是一个“很好”的计划,而这是我的第 一个错误。

是的,我曾希望加入欧盟的凤凰。我甚至设法与匈牙利和塞尔维亚谈判达成了一项妥协议案 。这促使我拒绝参加在黑龙江的行动,以及伪造了臭名昭著的总统面板屏幕截图。这是Ph otoshop处理过的,我完全能够向塞尔维亚宣战,然而,我没有。

另一件事是,我对波兰换地入亚的军事失败付全部责任。塞尔维亚政府向我提出继续控制辽 宁的要求。而我向波兰索取10000G,我知道波兰人不会付这一大笔数目的。很显然他 们没有,这也许就是为什么直到今天塞尔维亚仍然在辽宁。

在我的任期内,我选择性无视了众多给我出谋划策的幕僚们的意见,我公开侮辱那些只是想 帮我的各部门官员,我变得失去理智和判断力对一些人心生愤恨。我还无法遏制地想改变的 eWorld的现状...我成了是一个理想主义者。

我离开了eRepublik一段时间,我觉得这能让我回归正常。现在是时候承认我的罪 过了,让你们,美国人民,来裁决我。如果我应该受到你谴责,请不要犹豫,付诸行动吧。

