Ελλάς-Σερβία συμμαχία. Η πολιτική χαράσσεται από τους λαούς.

Day 932, 00:33 Published in Greece Greece by Lakis Moore

Μέρα με τη μέρα πληθαίνουν οι φωνές στο εσωτερικό της eΕλλάδος και της eΣερβίας που απαιτούν βήματα προσέγγισης και σταμάτημα των εχθροπραξιών. Πάντα ήμουν της άποψης ότι η πολιτική μιας χώρας πρέπει να χαράσσεται από τις λαϊκες επιταγές. Οι λαοί θέλουν ας προσπαθήσουν και οι ηγεσίες.

Παραθέτω άρθρο που δημοσιεύθηκε εχθές στα νέα της Σερβίας:

eSerbia Vs eGreece – Stop this stupid war

Dear eSerbs, I played this game quite a long time and I think that I have right to present my opinion on what bothered me in eSerbia. The list is long, but on the majority of items in that list we have no influence. But there are things that we can improve. Let's start from the first.
ESerbia and eGreece relationship
We all know how things stand on this issue in RL. When I started to play eRepublik I was disappointed that we have enemies in eGreece. I see that this issue is still struggling new players and we must explain them again and again why this is so and why it must be so.
Most of you heard that explanation. eSerbia were occupied by eCroatia, eGreece supported that ... blah, blah ... We are Phoenix and they are Eden ... blah, blah.
Most of us it was not even eborn when all that happened, and not even sure what was really happened. It was some government and a president in eGreece at the time, which is supported eSerbia occupation because they was obliged to support them as they liberated by some other ...
If eSerbia have become a significant force in this game, let's play like that, not by the rules of some former power. Let now do something little to satisfy the desire of majority of eSerbs!
My suggestions and requests to government are:
1. Signing of non-aggression treaty with eGreece (not just for the original territory, but in any war in which we or they are direct participants).
2. Ending of the trade embargo.
3. Informing all other members of Phoenix and Eden of the contract between our two countries as a finished thing, to have in mind in advance and to avoid any misunderstandings.
The fact is that with these eGreece got more, because eSerbia are stronger (although not to ignore a one country smaller in the attack on the, for example, Liaoning or Slavonia), but also the fact is that 99% of eSerbs does not want to make war against eGreece even in game.