[東方之珠] 二月份總統選舉候選人開辯論!

Day 803, 15:18 Published in China USA by Jameson L. Tai
繁體中文版|简体中文版|English version



我將會舉行二月份總統選舉候選人開辯論, [strike]暫定為二零一零年二月三日eRep Server時間(GMT -😎 2100H(9:00PM)舉行[/strike]

新的時間定為 02FEB2010 (D805) eRepublik Server 時間 23:00:00 (GMT -😎 舉行

不懂IRC的選民可以用mibbit來觀看: http://wbe01.mibbit.com/?settings=&server=irc.rizon.net&channel=%23eChina-debate

之後, 輸入以下的command來排隊:
/join #eChina-Debate-Line
打 Enter


每一位候選人會得到最多兩分鐘的回答時間, 所有候選人回答後需要補答的候選人可以有一分三十秒補答. 補答了的候選人不能在其他候選人補答後再補答.

發問的問題不能含人身攻擊, 不能起訴候選人. 每位觀眾只能問一條問題(不能加其他人代問的問題).



今次用新的eC IRC辯論頻道#eChina-Debate.

警告: 如果您參與辯論的話(作為觀眾, 發問問題, 主持人, 主持人幫手, 翻譯助理, 或候選人) 的所有紀錄會被記下, 包括IP網址, IRC用戶名, 登入/登出時間, 及所有發問, 解答, 及其他內容. 如果您反對被記錄, 請叫其他用戶為您代問.

1) 辯論會轉為即時問答式, 沒有上一次的先公開題目.
2) 候選人不能遲到, 如果辯論開始五分鐘後也不出現- 是對其他候選人, 主持人, 和觀眾們不禮貌, 所以不會給發言權.
3) 上次排隊的觀眾們對我表示不滿, 因為我不能同一時間兼顧兩個頻道, 導致排的次序有所錯誤(敬請原諒). 這次我想請令一位幫手幫我同選民排隊,有興趣作幫手的, 請給我PM.
4) 如果候選人解釋得不清楚主持人有權發問問題.
5) 主持人如果覺得需要時有權終止任何觀眾問問題, 候選人有權不答任何被問的問題.
6) 候選人答辯次序會定時轉.
7) 辯論用#eChina-Debate, 排隊用#eChina-Debate-Line頻道.



我将会举行二月份总统选举候选人开辩论, [strike]暂定为二零一零年二月三日eRep Server时间(GMT -😎 2100H(9:00PM)举行[/strike]

新的时间定为02FEB2010 (D805) eRepublik Server 时间23:00:00 (GMT -😎 举行

不懂IRC的选民可以用mibbit来观看: http://wbe01.mibbit.com/?settings=&server=irc.rizon.net&channel=%23eChina-debate

之后, 输入以下的command来排队:
/join #eChina-Debate-Line
打 Enter


每一位候选人会得到最多两分钟的回答时间, 所有候选人回答后需要补答的候选人可以有一分三十秒补答. 补答了的候选人不能在其他候选人补答后再补答.

发问的问题不能含人身攻击, 不能起诉候选人. 每位观众只能问一条问题(不能加其他人代问的问题).



今次用新的eC IRC辩论频道#eChina-Debate.

警告: 如果您参与辩论的话(作为观众, 发问问题, 主持人, 主持人帮手, 翻译助理, 或候选人) 的所有纪录会被记下, 包括IP网址, IRC用户名, 登入/登出时间, 及所有发问, 解答, 及其他内容. 如果您反对被记录, 请叫其他用户为您代问.

1) 辩论会转为即时问答式, 没有上一次的先公开题目.
2) 候选人不能迟到, 如果辩论开始五分钟后也不出现- 是对其他候选人, 主持人, 和观众们不礼貌, 所以不会给发言权.
3) 上次排队的观众们对我表示不满, 因为我不能同一时间兼顾两个频道, 导致排的次序有所错误(敬请原谅). 这次我想请令一位帮手帮我同选民排队,有兴趣作帮手的, 请给我PM.
4) 如果候选人解释得不清楚主持人有权发问问题.
5) 主持人如果觉得需要时有权终止任何观众问问题, 候选人有权不答任何被问的问题.
6) 候选人答辩次序会定时转.
7) 辩论用#eChina-Debate, 排队用#eChina-Debate-Line频道.


English Version

I will host the February eChina Presidential Debates, [strike]tentatively scheduled to be held on February 3, 2010 at 2100H (9:00PM) eRepublik Server Time (GMT -😎.[/strike]

New time set to be held on 02FEB2010 (D805) eRepublik Server Time 23:00:00 (GMT -😎

Those who do not have a dedicated IRC client may use mibbit to directly connect into the server: http://wbe01.mibbit.com/?settings=&server=irc.rizon.net&channel=%23eChina-debate

Once in the channel, type the following comman😛
/join #eChina-Debate-Line
Press Enter

The debate will be two hours long (no more going 90+ minutes overtime)

Each candidate will receive two minutes for response to each question, and may rebut or provide additional statement on the subject for no more than 90 seconds. Candidates may not rebut again following another candidate's rebuttal period.

Questions must not contain personal attacks or accusations against candidates. Each member of the audience may only ask one question (this is a strict quota which "asking on behalf of another player" is disallowed)

Every 30 minutes a break of 5 minutes will be taken.

I would like to ask that all official presidential candidates contact me immediately with their schedules so I may verify the event date and time.

This debate shall use the new eChina IRC debate channel: #eChina-Debate.

WARNING: If you participate in this debate in any fashion (as an audience member, asking questions, the debate host, debate host's assistant, translation assistant, or any of the candidates) will have all of their information recorded and logged for record-keeping, including IP Addresses/vhosts, IRC username(s), sign in/out times, and all conversations, questions, answers and other dialog. If you do not agree to be recorded, please ask someone else to ask the question for you.

The following are the changes to this debate:
1) The debate will be a lighting Q&A around unlike last time's prepared topics and questions
2) Candidates must not be late. If a candidate is more than five (5) minutes late and still doesn't show up, it is disrespectful to the other candidates, the host, and audience members. Therefore, speaking privileges will not be granted.
3) Last time since I was monitoring two channels simultaneously, the official debate channel and another channel monitoring citizens waiting in line, the order in which citizens asked questions were incorrect (please excuse any inconvenience). This time I request that an assistant work at the dedicated citizen queue channel such that the line is properly maintained. If you are interested in doing this, please send me a PM in-game.
4) If a candidate does not clearly answer a question, the host has the right to ask relevant follow-up questions
5) The debate host has the right to stop an audience member from asking a question if needed, and the candidates may chose to not answer any question.
6) Answering order of the candidates will very on a regular interval.
7) The debate will be hosted on #eChina-Debate channel, while citizens shall form the line at #eChina-Debate-Line channel.