[总统报纸 #04] 给所有在战争中为EC战斗过的人的感谢信 | Thank you Allies

Day 1,787, 09:40 Published in China China by Atracurium

12 days of toll and it has finally come to an end (for now).

It started with a simple PM where we were informed that Serbia would not attack China last term (month), in less than 24 – 48 hours we were nevertheless declared natural enemy. It will be foolish if we didn’t prepare well enough while they were in the vicinity, we had prepared for 1 month.


Government of China wishes to honor a group of people who had spent many hours doing mercenary supplies 24-7 namely;

We would like to give our special thanks to:

We also wish to thanks comrades who had fought together with us for these 12 days, friends and allies no doubt until the very end. Victory belongs to all of us! We are also very grateful to everyone who opened drain RWs in the right places and strategic uprisings in Fars region.

I want to point out the peak of this war, opening rw in Fars region and attack in the same night in Razavi Khorasan. That day was a hard day for us: we had to finish the battle in Kerman Province and in the same time we were hardly pushed in our RW's by Serbians and their allies’ mobiles. After many attempts to control South Khorasan RW it become obvious we could not do it and the region will be freed. Here comes the unveiling of Fars RW: Serbia had RW in the region of Razavi Khorasan that was ending soon. We had to decide if we will attack Razavi then (not a good time for us) or take a very big risk and try to open RW in Fars. We took a risk, did not queued MPP attack and we had 24 people in Fars region killing the F5 button every few seconds, we certainly do not prepare 10 people only.

Thank you, hvala, mulțumiri, ευχαριστίες, Vielen Dank, obrigado, gracias, Merci, dank, kiitos, takk, спасибо, grazie, teşekkürler, Спасибі, falënderim, Дзякуй!

In addition,
Желео би да се захвалим Србији на јуначком отпору и лепом ратовању. Без обзира на резултат, са обе стране борили су се велики људи. Ценимо покушаје свију њих који су се борили за сопствене циљеве.

Last but not least we would like to thank Eden for military prio and the number of dot calls in military channels.




感谢所有烧包的人, 所有半夜不睡觉在线的人, 所有上班很忙的时候还抽空看战场的人, 所有早起推墙的人,所有诈尸的粽子, 所有自愿跑来做苦力的人, 所有长时间地盯着战场的指挥, 给我们提供火力支援的ROC战士们, 以及许许多多为这场战争付出过的热心的人。没有你们的话,要打赢这场战争简直是不能想象的事。 你们就是EC的力量, 这力量保护我们勇前直前;你们就是EC的脊梁, 无论多么强大的敌人挡在前行的道路上, EC 都绝不会被征服。

让我们记住这来之不易的胜利, 记住我们这些共同奋斗过和战斗的时刻, 记住我们的汗水泪水和欢笑, 还有熟悉或是不熟悉的彼此。

在此也特别感谢 CMC 上下的指挥,苦力和基友们。没有你们没有这胜利。

