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Art's thoughts on and of stuffs and things.

Not Again.....

18 Tag 542, 16:06 Veröffentlicht in Ireland Ireland

In a "Ticket" to the admin This is what I wrote:

Well, First off, the number of Members in the Irish Freedom Party has grown since 12 hours ago. Alex Darky and 5n4keyes are head to head. But it is Alex that I believe is using multi accounts in an

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Artaxerxes Pavonis for IFP

13 Tag 539, 18:00 Veröffentlicht in Ireland Ireland

Yes, I know. I have a long name, but most people call me Art.

And I hereby announce my candidacy for Party President of the Irish Freedom Party (IFP). For too long I have sat by, waiting for leadership to take hold of this party, and for too long,

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5 Tag 529, 02:39 Veröffentlicht in Ireland Ireland

Happy 200th Day of V1 Everyone!!!!

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State Companies

21 Tag 523, 12:01 Veröffentlicht in Ireland Ireland

As the operator of the Irish State Companies, I would like to re assure everyone that no one is starving. Everyone who has a State job gets paid 5 IEP. Q1 food is 3+ IEP and there is even Q2 food for less than 5 IEP.

Now as to the management

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1 Gold Contest!

48 Tag 498, 00:46 Veröffentlicht in Ireland Ireland

1 Gold to the last one who comments by the end of the day! Erep time that is.

Good Luck!

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