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The Evolution Of The Irish Market

28 Tag 259, 02:42 Veröffentlicht in Ireland Ireland

Being one of the first to play eRepublik, and moving to ireland on my second day, i think im more than qualified to discuss the market and how its evolved in ireland.

When I first came to ireland, there was only 3 food companys, one owned by

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To All Irish Congressmen

19 Tag 257, 06:33 Veröffentlicht in Ireland Ireland


Vote NO! … mehr »

Vote Patton!

11 Tag 254, 13:05 Veröffentlicht in Ireland Ireland

Patton is standing for President.

He still represents the IUP, however due to Vyse being away from the game due to some real life issues, he cant stand for president under the IUP banner, insted ive given him control of the IFP so he can stand.

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