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6 Tag 2,852, 07:34 Veröffentlicht in India India Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung

Hello fellow soldiers,

Kudos to all those players who have over 70k+ strength and they easily steal our BH no matter how much damage we do.

If they claim it at starting of battle,then its fine,but they just come and hit at last 10 minutes.

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7 Tag 2,573, 23:25 Veröffentlicht in India India Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung

I am active once again.

All you cabinet ministers better start working now .

And stop promoting boredom in India.

And stop wasting our treasury on RW which you call training war. Its pointless if most of our Indian soldier never get BH

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Story of crows

3 Tag 2,535, 11:53 Veröffentlicht in India India Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung

Crows are black,crows are selfish. Crows backstab all other their companions.

History tells that crows did most shameless thing in the past and they repeat it in future.

There are many crows in India,all ugly ,all forsaken.

Crows fear that

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Tournament status(UPDATED)

12 Tag 2,527, 22:45 Veröffentlicht in India India Die ersten Schritte bei eRepublik Die ersten Schritte bei eRepublik

Currently India is ranked 7th with average PP of 7.6k .

All those players fighting,please try harder so that your PP is always more than
the country's average.

Great work by Tamarazz !! Do not let his contribution go waste.

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The more the merrier ?

38 Tag 2,520, 10:14 Veröffentlicht in India India Die ersten Schritte bei eRepublik Die ersten Schritte bei eRepublik

Lets do some maths.

Suppose a father is 25 years old and his son is 5 years old.

Ratio of their age = 25:5 = 5:1

After 5 years,
Ratio = 30:10=3:1

After next 5 years,ratio= 35:15 = 2.33:1

After next 5 years,ratio= 40:20 = 2:1

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