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iPresident: Part 2

8 Tag 679, 14:41 Veröffentlicht in Japan Japan

The counter point to our economic concerns is the changing situation in international relations for Japan. Since the beginning of etime, Japan has been isolated from the world stage, dabbling only in the Korean peninsula. Now our attention is

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iPresident: Part 1

15 Tag 678, 14:23 Veröffentlicht in Japan Japan

Japanese people, as part of my campaign for President I wish to share with you a series on the policies I want to implement. In the run up to election day, I hope that we can all take a hard look at the current state of Japan and what we can all do

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Godzilla: The Voting

4 Tag 674, 12:12 Veröffentlicht in Japan Japan

The time has come for Godzilla once more to rampage across the land, attracting votes and seats in his wake. Vote Godzilla if you follow our platform.

1: Encouraging manufacturing and high quality companies and wages through government action.

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Godzilla in the Year 3000

8 Tag 668, 14:57 Veröffentlicht in Japan Japan

Now for my second and more serious article as Godzilla Party Leader. As many in Japan know, our party at it's core sprung from the North Korean refugees. We have added lately from South Koreans but to me that is not enough. I know that our party

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9 Tag 667, 14:39 Veröffentlicht in Japan Japan

I am elated to make this my first post as President of Godzilla Party. That said, it is known that our group has many enemies around the world, and one has revealed themselves today.


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