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Foreign Policy

31 Tag 349, 16:10 Veröffentlicht in Portugal Portugal

Fellow Portuguese

It seems there are some doubts within the population from our country and the foreign about the foreign policy from Portugal towards the Campeche Region an Finland.

1- Campeche

To who does not remember, some Spanish

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Ordem de Gaia: Apresentação

14 Tag 344, 15:13 Veröffentlicht in Portugal Portugal

"Não tentes. Faz, ou não faças, não há tentativa." Yoda

O nosso mundo está num contínuo movimento, uma luta entre a ordem e o caos, entre o ying e o yang. A Ordem de Gaia nasceu da luta ancestral para manter o equilíbrio e proteger o mundo criado

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Presidential Bulletin

13 Tag 303, 07:41 Veröffentlicht in Portugal Portugal

Fellow Portuguese, i come to you to present the recent and new developments in our governative work.
In the Economy, from this day onward, there will be changes, in the whole economic system so you will notice a lot of changes on how it all will

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