Hintergrund an/aus


2 Tag 1,346, 05:36 Veröffentlicht in Pakistan Pakistan Politische Debatten und Analysen Politische Debatten und Analysen

Vote (NO) , Iran is our friend.

That was the reason I wrote a whole article before .
Please do not do anything without permission of President of ePakistan ! .
I request … mehr »

[MoSA] To all new elected congress members

16 Tag 1,344, 00:32 Veröffentlicht in Pakistan Pakistan Politische Debatten und Analysen Politische Debatten und Analysen

Nobody wrote and article related to new elected congress members . Results are gonna out at 06:00 time erep . Even it was the duty of MoI(minister of information) Umer Liaqat and MoI (minister of interior MoDa) Aoun Muhammad . But because there were

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Battle orders . Day 1,337

3 Tag 1,337, 03:24 Veröffentlicht in Pakistan Pakistan Kampfaufträge Kampfaufträge

Pakistan is facing 2 wars , both of them are resistance wars .
1: Battle of Northern India
2: Battle of Balochistan


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[TUTORIAL] Join pak army !

11 Tag 1,330, 11:27 Veröffentlicht in Pakistan Pakistan Die ersten Schritte bei eRepublik Die ersten Schritte bei eRepublik

A tutorial by hamis11 institute of eRepublik social sciences and Minister of Social Affairs ePakistan

Hiya all guys !
from many days I was thinking to write a tutorial , but I had no idea to what to write . I was given many … mehr »

Day 1,329 , Fight for Pakistan !

7 Tag 1,329, 07:33 Veröffentlicht in Pakistan Pakistan Kampfaufträge Kampfaufträge

So we are facing 2 wars .
1: Battle of Madhya Pradesh
2: RW Battle of Gujarat


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