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Swiss Government June 10 | Schweizer Regierung Juni 10

15 Tag 930, 10:13 Veröffentlicht in Switzerland Switzerland


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About our Train War

27 Tag 852, 09:17 Veröffentlicht in Switzerland Switzerland

Dear Swiss,

today the MPP with Malaysia will end. Renewing it would be too expensive for us.
Such a train war costs over 200G monthly. That's too much for us till we don't get control over the Swiss National Bank. The train war … mehr »

To all new citizens - some helpful guides

7 Tag 851, 04:00 Veröffentlicht in Switzerland Switzerland

Dear new swiss players of erepublik,

after registering on this game you now have to learn how to play.
To avoid faults and to have fun with this great game I've collected some guides for you:

Beginners Guide:
[url= … mehr »

Swiss Babyboom Project

11 Tag 850, 07:38 Veröffentlicht in Switzerland Switzerland

Dear Swiss,

First I wish to tell you something about this newspaper. It's the official newspaper of the current Swiss Government.

As you all might know a babyboom is the best thing who could happen to a country.
Normally a … mehr »