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Diario del cambio. Porque Podemos, y lo haremos.

EDEN's brotherhood and RL issues

59 Tag 1,561, 04:08 Veröffentlicht in Poland Poland Politische Debatten und Analysen Politische Debatten und Analysen

Oh hai my loves.

I just logged in this morning and I see, as expected, tons of EDEN guys blaming Bulgaria for hitting against... TURKEY!!! in Mazandaran and Golistan RW (Iran), for not to mention they have that RW as prio for turkish side.


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NBA Trivia - Fifth contest

9 Tag 1,560, 04:59 Veröffentlicht in Poland Poland Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung

Oh hai.

As I'm bored (again), I've decided to do another contest after having the issue left during weeks.

For those who don't know them

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NBA Trivia - Fourth contest

12 Tag 1,531, 14:53 Veröffentlicht in Spain Spain Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung

Oh hai you fags.

As I'm a bit bored today, I've decided to start another contest. Of course, after giving the prize of the previous one to Xanthar, the first who managed to find out I was talking about Spencer Haywood.


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NBA Trivia - Third contest

31 Tag 1,531, 11:44 Veröffentlicht in Spain Spain Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung

Oh hai again.

After seeing how fast were some people with google in order to find out who was the fag behind the pic I used to post here, I've decided to change some rules in order to try to continue with this contest.


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NBA Trivia - Second contest

13 Tag 1,523, 14:38 Veröffentlicht in Serbia Serbia Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung

Hi again fags.

Since a turkish guy called OutSmarter (who already received his well earned stuff) discovered from who was the photo of the

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