Hintergrund an/aus

A few words on the American Postal Office and medical care

26 Tag 1,964, 00:26 Veröffentlicht in USA USA Finanzgeschäfte Finanzgeschäfte

It was recently announced that the post office would stop delivery of mail on Saturday. We as a nation cannot afford mail service as we used to anymore, as we cannot afford a lot of things anymore.
The GOP (Republican Party) is doing its best

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A fresh beginning

6 Tag 1,963, 06:34 Veröffentlicht in USA USA Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung

Ah America, i am finally here, and finally got my green card after days fighting with the immigration office officers i am done. And now the truly hard task begins for me.
This newspaper is going to focus on RL events, issues ranging from

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14 Tag 1,956, 01:28 Veröffentlicht in Romania Romania Finanzgeschäfte Finanzgeschäfte

Tocmai citeam prin presa romaneasca noi planuri de a majora taxele pt populatie, la curent, la apa, impozit, etc
Si stau si ma gandesc acuma ce le-a venit in cap oamenilor alora sa faca asa ceva.
Am facut ASE-ul, dar nu e nevoie sa ai pregatire

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Despre investitori cateva vorbe

9 Tag 1,954, 01:27 Veröffentlicht in Romania Romania Finanzgeschäfte Finanzgeschäfte

Ok, dp o pauza binevenita - in care subsemnatul a mai imbatranit un an - am revenit iar sa va vorbesc despre alt mit al lumii noastre: ce al "investitorului strain".
Tot se bate mare toba prin presa romana de dp '89 cum ca "sectorul privat" e

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De-civilizare ( articol pesimist - atentie ! )

24 Tag 1,950, 03:08 Veröffentlicht in Romania Romania Politische Debatten und Analysen Politische Debatten und Analysen

Cand am conceput acest articol am stat si m-am gandit mult cum sa ofensez cat mai putina lume prin ceea ce voi scrie, dar am descoperit ca acest lucru nu prea este posibil, vechea problema cu capra si varza atatandu-si capul intotdeauna.
Daca pe

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