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[MoF] Bekanntmachung und Bericht Woche 37

14 Tag 662, 10:54 Veröffentlicht in Germany Germany

Liebe Mitbürger und Freunde eDeutschlands,

die neue Regierung von eDeutschland hat sich zum Großteil bereits vorgestellt und ich schließe die Vorstellungsrunde ab. Bei mir hat die Sache etwas länger gedauert, weil ich zunächst Daten sammeln

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Bundesbank: Human Resources

6 Tag 519, 06:54 Veröffentlicht in Germany Germany

While congress is still bussy lowering income taxes, the average salary in the Union increases. However there are huge differences in salaries between the three sectors Land, Construction and Manufacturing. To give you an overview of the current

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The value of DEM

1 Tag 514, 07:26 Veröffentlicht in Germany Germany

Today the exchange rate of DEM dropped below 0,02 gold. This was expected to happen yesterday already, when only a low amount of gold was offered on the market. However, since yesterday people started to ask to lower income taxes on raw materials to

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5 Tag 509, 08:18 Veröffentlicht in Germany Germany

Some of you might have noticed, that the congress is discussing the current taxation system in our Forum. To those who haven’t or are not registered (which I highly recommend) I would like to inform about the

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Bundesbank Report Day 504

4 Tag 504, 16:02 Veröffentlicht in Germany Germany

Today the price of gold increased due to sell orders placed on the market. The price of DEM decreased from 0.023 gold to 0.020 gold within a few hours. The situation on the market was tense already, and when a massive offer of 10,000.00 DEM was

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