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The Bro paper was started on day 1365 by Bucephalus92 in an attempt to hold off the boredom slowing encroaching upon him...It has since morphed into...pretty much the same thing.

eWorld Warfare Report

16 Tag 1,941, 13:49 Veröffentlicht in USA USA Kriegsanalyse Kriegsanalyse

Greetings bro,

North America

Another boring week in North America, the United States remains committed to

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eWorld Warfare Report

17 Tag 1,936, 13:08 Veröffentlicht in USA USA Kriegsanalyse Kriegsanalyse

Greetings Bros,

Could have used this tip last week

The new world is abuzz with talk about Poland's decision to go through Russia to reach China. , this

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Feds P/H

9 Tag 1,931, 19:44 Veröffentlicht in USA USA Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung

Greetings Bros,

A seriously good Bro tip

For those who may not be aware the Fed party occasionally holds writing contents for its members. A date and topic is chosen, gold is donated, and

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eWorld Warfare Update

14 Tag 1,929, 15:37 Veröffentlicht in USA USA Kriegsanalyse Kriegsanalyse

Greetings Bros,

As its been a while since I've written an eWorld Warfare Report I'm going to go with a different style for covering whats happening. Instead of going over the major battles and what

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Im back, maybe sort of.

14 Tag 1,926, 13:50 Veröffentlicht in USA USA Kriegsanalyse Kriegsanalyse

Greetings Bros,

Definitely a bro tip I can get behind

I realize that I haven't

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