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All objective conditions for a revolution are met. False class consciousness is the only obstacle.

Socialistpartiet MSAP Kuppat!

12 Tag 513, 11:34 Veröffentlicht in Sweden Sweden


MSAP har kuppats!

"Partiets" nye ledare Neppons som hastigt influgen från Malaysia anmälde sig till partiledarkandidat kort före valet har tagit … mehr »

Call to Arms! - The fighting begins!

27 Tag 497, 13:29 Veröffentlicht in Serbia Serbia



After roughly a week of economic warfare, croatian imperialists have launched a military offensive and almost conquered the sovereign non-aligned nation

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Riksdagen lägger ner statlig industri.

5 Tag 490, 16:06 Veröffentlicht in Sweden Sweden


Ännu en månad i eRepubliken Sverige - ännu en månad av fasansfulla brott, genomborgerligt förtryck och hisnande utförsäljningar.

Riksdagen började … mehr »

Call to Arms!

17 Tag 479, 14:04 Veröffentlicht in Mexico Mexico


Mexico has had enough of imperialist arrogance, the people demands an end to the US occupation! Region by region has fallen into the dirty hands of US … mehr »

Workers' Militia Elections

2 Tag 478, 05:45 Veröffentlicht in Serbia Serbia



The general condition of the militia is splendid. Our numbers are constantly growing and we now have enough

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