Why I'm voting for DMV and why you should too.

Day 2,306, 22:14 Published in Canada Canada by MaxMaher

I like this month PP election.

Look like we now have two alternatives eCanada.

The first one, we choose what our "elite" have chosen for us.

The same "elite" that have achieve to take control of eCanada by playing with bad faith and dishonesty for months in eCanada. Rolo and his clique control have achieve to control of the political module in eCanada mostly by 3 ways:

1. Stealing thousand and thousand of your own golds. (about 10 000 golds+++)

2. Buying votes and political support with the stolen golds.

3. PTOing all others parties one after another. Making Canadians citizens who had invested so much time and enjoyed their party frustrated. Most of them now have leave the country or leave the game.

Their most recent victim was Clan Wolf. But, before that, there was DAL, CPP, UN, EPIC, etc.

I'm tired of all this. I want back the old eCanada that we all enjoyed. Where honestly and good faith was the simple rule that everyone could agree on. Where flaws the mechanic of the game weren't exploited by thieve and others selfish individuals. Who they only play a browser game for their own personal thirst of power, and are constantly destroying other people enjoyment of the game, like Bully.

It's either that or we can choose the other alternative.

I decided to vote for DMV and his teams of honest players

And you should too!

I vote for change. It's daring, I know.

With the current state of the eCanada, it's worth it.

Let try to break the current PTO of eCanada by our "elite".

We got nothing to loose and all to gain.

Let's REROLL eCanada!

Max Maher