The New State Department

Day 1,324, 18:51 Published in USA USA by Paul Proteus

Made by the wunderful Shino

Paul Proteus: Secretary of State Extraordinaire

Now join us on #us-state the new channel for the US State Department

So seriously, with the miraculous victory of Blank KeatingI have been appointed to the position of Secretary of State. I am honored and will do my best not to disappoint

But first About the elections,
Technician and SVV, you guys pulled off a great run, and even though you lost you have thus far taken it with dignity, good job, it’s a real shame only one can win,
Really great job,

Close but No Cigar

Goodbye Blue Monday would now like to take a moment to reiterate that it does not condone smoking and that winning the election is not the same as having a cigar

So Now Continuing on to
This Month’s State Department

First I’d like to announce my hand picked deputies

First, let me introduce a new face,

Tim Holtz

Tim just finished a term as the President of Australia and is just now joining us Amurricans. He has invaluable experience and contacts in regions and places no other Americans do and due to the difference is time zones he will be more adept at communicating with those who are on while we are sleeping. Also he’s on IRC a lot. I seriously look forward to working with him 🙂

My second deputy is a man who may not have as much foreign affairs experience, but he is a quick learner and a very capable guy, he is
Soren Nelson

Now moving on to
This choice is currently unconfirmed, and I seriously hope he accepts 🙂

One of the most important positions in this section is the Director of Ambassador Affairs or DoAA for short. Now for this position I have selected with experience being a regional director who did an excellent job. Trust me, at the time I was also a regional director, and I did my duties, but he went above and beyond what he had to do. Also he was really organized.

In addition to our DoAA, we have many great regional directors who know all about the regions they cover, and obviously we wouldn't be able to do such a great job without great ambassadors

To keep up with our constant need for ambassadors, sign up here 😁

Now on to a new section,
All American Media

On to our new section, All American Media
In this segment I'll include some important media from the eUS

The President’s Newspaper, make sure to check out This was a triumph

Department of Defense Orders, also it’s format is sexy

The Department of Education, Make sure to Check out the information web as always

Stay Sexy Amurrica,