The eSouth African congress has spoken!

Day 1,719, 04:12 Published in South Africa Turkey by Tariq TNT

How long has that debate and it's final result been going on?

It took three days to come up to that final decision and I know that we all are tired of it already and this article is not an in game continuation of what happened inside the halls of congress, but it's rather how I feel towards the end result and president Stans decision.

We are a democratic eCountry and therefore all of our congressional procedures & proposals have to undergo a 24 hour voting before the end result appears. Congress did vote and a final result to pass the proposal have been released. The result was to go forth with the revoking.

We all have to understand that congress has its importance and value in this country and I believe that it has been proven so through this proposal. Am I happy with what happened?

That seems like an easy question, but it's not. Yes I am happy to know that congress has its power and that the government, congress and the president coordinate with each other. At the same time it hurts me to see that there was no other way that we could have handled the Tenshibo case. In spite of how the result came out and despite the way we handled the situation and regardless of what led us to take that action, Tenshibo was a working force in this country.

We all must not allow that issue to separate us! We are not each others enemies. We are each others family, fellows, comrades and friends. For now all I have to say to Ten is:

That however doesn't make me happy to see him leave. What we all must understand is that Ten did not get banned. He is still a giving member of our community and those who voted for or against his honorary citizenship revoke know that a man like Ten will be back sooner or later. He claims to truly love our country. He claims to turning this nation into an active strong nation. All these reasons and many mentioned in the Final Words post he made on the forum makes me believe that he'll be back and he'll understand that we do not hate him and that we have simply reached a point in which we couldn't not take it personally.

Not many of us can not take it personally, because quite frankly an insult is an insult. I was not close to him, in fact, I merely knew him and maybe that's why I couldn't take it. For his dear friends and for those in congress who voted no for the revoke, I am sorry that we made you go through that. Tenshibo is not only your friend, he is OUR friend and we do what is best for our friends & families.

I am sure that Tenshibo will not allow this country to be separated because of the revoke and I am sure that he'll continue giving to it, maybe not in the short term, but later he'll be back to help this nation.

As for the president decision towards this matter, I have to say that my respect to president Stan risen even more. He respected our congress & he did what any democratic president would do. Thank you once again Mr. president.

Peace to all of my eSouth African brothers & sisters.

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