Leaders of New Era, What Were You Saying?

Day 1,986, 13:54 Published in United Kingdom Norway by Major Lee Hung

Good evening folks and folkettes.

I come to you with a short article, just another example of why One Vision and many others no longer want to work with New Era.


DeathByKittens joined my eUK Apprenticeship Scheme yesterday. We exchanged some messages as I try to teach him/her about the game. They are geniunely a nice person, and excited about progressing within the eUK; particularly in politics, which they showed enthusiasm for.

I logged on this morning to find them in New Era; so I'm assuming their 300 'JOIN US' messages succeeded - initially. I figured I'd just let them choose their own party from within New Era, as somebody with that much enthusiasm for politics and progressing further is unlikely to stay with a bunch of keyboard warriors.

And Then...

So taking in to account the above - should this really be the way somebody is treated when they make an actual decision on what party to join?

When it's a new person who joined our community not even 24 hours ago, or anybody for that matter, they shouldn't be subject for this just because they found a party with friends and representations of their views.

New Era's Boy's Club, it's time you grew up.

Members of New Era, you vote these people to represent you. Is this really what you want?