Not divisive but assertive

Day 1,986, 15:53 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alphabethis

Divisive politics, desire for power, personal attacks, unfairness, maturity, political enemies... You have probably heard all these terms and most likely, under our current data, you are a late teenager, early tweenties player, so the way you handle all this stuff is ... different from the actual (?) and real stuff.

I think it's completely unfair to ask everybody a grown-up personality, even for some in the 40s. If, by age or by fate, you are unmature, you should be respected as such. In any case, whenever we criticize that implies:

a) we are doing a constructive critic, providing an alternative. So not all critic or critic itself is bad.

b) It's true that we fight "around" power, not for power, New Era has enjoyed little power, we have supported UKPP, ONE VISION to give a chance to an alternative, to try to get a better situation of our pitiful stance of dependence of allies ( Poland , mainly) and small population. New Era is not power greed. We don't offer "power" to our new or old players, till, we'd love to share a bit of the current power, granted by the grace of God to TUP, specially in Foreign Affairs.

c) Personal attacks. That shouldn't happen ever, but it happens. My opinion is that, with so many teenagers around, and young people, words flow easily... Anyway, logic and reason should prevail over hormones.

d) Politics. In fact politics is just that set of actions that have an impact on the welfare of the community (e-country in this case). So criticism is a must for a responsible member of the community. New Era is happy to have some of the brightest brains in eUK, and this is the whole point of New Era, bring new ideas TO IMPROVE the mess caused by years of young and reckless management.

So, basically, we have two sides in eUK:

a) the one that let the same rulers rule. They have been ruling for three years to no avail. This side has a core (TUP) and several supporters (dolphins or puppets, named thus because they're secondary in their views, share of power and, mostly , in their IDEAS). (remember that politics = IDEAS )

b) the ones that will eventually will win the place eUK deserves in the eWorld, let's say a decent top 10. How ? Improving, testing, questioning the current stablishment and its pests...

Do not hesitate to give your opinion and your ideas. Yours are not worse than other people's.

New era Wiki our constructivism starts here.