Fed Party Update d1916

Day 2,016, 17:26 Published in USA USA by Derphoof

Damn straight! This isn’t a typical update with just SRS BSNS info, but rather an update with some Fed Media and Competitions! We have a few things to cover! So let’s get to it!

Interview with BigCDizzle by Tyler Buublar

Q) First BigC I want to thank you for your time in doing this interview I know you have a lot on your plate. BigCdizzle, after your first week as our PP are you happy with the implementation of your vision for the Feds so far?

A) No problem Tyler, this is one of the more important parts of my job.I've been very happy with out progress so far. We've moved along at a good pace in every department, and I believe that on track to have a great month.

Q) In a similar vein what are you most pleased with so far, and what would you like to see improved on going forward with your term?

A) So far, I like that the newb involvement has been going well. It's something that has been tried many times in many different forms, but seeing newer players (like yourself) have the chance to move up quickly is a real treat.

Q) With Paul Proteus winning the Fed primary to represent us in the run for the White House, can we look forward to a Proud and Horny Oval Office Store in June?

A) I think that Paul is the best candidate that we've seen in ages, and I'm incredibly happy that he's finally running. I think that the other parties will recognize his abilities, and we'll get our first Fed CP since fingerguns.

Q) Also along a similar line of thought, it is my belief that this party is loaded with charismatic, talented individuals. Do you see a resurgent Federalist party emerging as a dominant force in this nation?

A) I absolutely do. This party has all of the tools to be great. We have an amazing community, talented players, and we're training up newer players faster than ever before. My campaign promise was to help rekindle that drive and passion that the Feds had in the past, and I believe that with that, we can be the dominant political force in the eUS.

Q) My last specific question. What are your thoughts on the SHIELD EZC MU teamups for the contest?

A) I loved it. I've always been an EZC member, and a Fed, so when the split happened a few months ago, the aftermath was hard to take. There were obviously hurt feelings on both sides, and I, along with some other EZC Feds, felt like I was stuck in the middle. This collaboration between the two MU's was a huge show of cooperation, and a big stride for our two groups toward having a good relationship once again.

Q) BigCdizzle, I want to thank you again for giving of your time, before we wrap up is there anything I did not ask that you would like to add?

A) No problem, I love interviews. All I have to say, is that I'm having a ton of fun being PP, and this party is really working hard to show the world what we can do. Also, Stay Proud/Horny!

General Fed Update!

The Feds would like to congratulate the ATO team for their marvelous effort in containing the PTO-ers in the Congressional elections! While they may have gained a party, the damage was minimal and easily reversible. We would like to thank everyone who helped out in-game, and in the forums and IRC Channels. Their work in bringing in our allies to minimize the efforts of the PTO-ers was key to the results of the election.

Speaking of results, here are the Feds in Congress this month:
Petey Alazar
Tyler Buublar
Duncan Crowe
Josh Frost
Max McFarland 3
Darian Dracona
One Sky

We hope that they have a very productive term in Congress! We wish them good luck in their endeavor to make the country a better place.

In other news, there is another contest in the making! However, for this one you’ll need to fire up your image editors! This month we will be holding an image contest for the creation of Fed Banners and one other category that is to be announced! Details are not yet finalized, so stay tuned to future Fed Updates for more info!

Recommended Reading

SHIELD for Victory by Jakov Mikhailovich
PROTEUS4POTEUS by Paul Proteus
USA-Serbia The War is Here by One Sky
Some Patriotic Spirit by Duncan Crowe
A Decision, A Declaration, A Challenge by Tenshibo

There is always discussion going on in the Fed Forums, and here are some threads to check out in case you’ve been away:

Glorious Combat
Missing, One Taiga
Tenshibo: Because America Needs More Swag

eFPR will be Today (Thursday) at 18:00 eRep time at RadioStar!

It will come complete with trivia and prizes!

That’s it for us today! Make sure to vote, shout, and subscribe for more Srs Fed Bsns. Thanks for reading!

-The Federalist Media Team