eRepublik Cares: Feed Me Fourthmeal

Day 2,020, 22:58 Published in USA USA by Derphoof

Dear eRepublik Friends,

I am a poorfag college student. Currently, I am trying to raise money for a decent night out for myself and my family. Sometimes we get hungry late at night, and we crave low quality, mexican fast food. All I need is your help to feed my family for an evening. Depending on your contributions, we could finally afford dinner at a classy establishment, such as Taco Bell.

Due to the harsh economic conditions of being a college student, I cannot afford the full cost of such an expensive meal on my own. Therefore, I am asking for those of you who can afford to do so to pitch in and help. It would mean alot to me and my family to go to bed at night without randomly craving mexican food as we lay in our beds..

Short Summary

My eRepublik name is Derphoof, writer, propagandist, and politician for the eUnited States of America. I like to consider myself somewhat qualified for most positions in the game. I have been a Country President, Congressman, and Media Director, and if you ask around... some people might vaguely recall who I am.

This campaign is to raise money for me to go to Taco Bell and pick up some Fourthmeal at like... somewhere between 11pm and 1am. There will probably be no one there, except for some sketchy guy that might try to sell me drugs in the parking lot. It would be great to experience fourthmeal and to possibly meet some odd guy inside or in the parking lot.

By contributing to this effort you will allow me and my family to be full at night. I guess I might also represent many hungry players through my presence there. I will do my best to strike up a conversation with the cashier, and enjoy the meal to the best of my abilities.

What We Need & What You Get

I am setting the goal at $30, which, after Indiegogo takes its cut, will be $29.70. This will be enough to cover most of my expenses on this trip around the block and make it possible for me to buy some food. Technically gas to and from Taco Bell may cost me a couple bucks, but the food expenses can really pile up. I can handle the cost of any drinks I might want, so this money will go solely to food and gas. I also want to stress that I only want those who can really afford to help to contribute. I would feel bad taking your money if you are not one of those people who can buy gold from Plato all day long.

I also encourage everyone to check out the perks I have offered. It is just a way to try to give you something back for your generosity.

For instance, if you give me 5 bucks, then I’ll give you a thank you card. If you give me $20+, then I’ll let you watch us as we enjoy our meal via Skype.

As per the funding rules of Indiegogo, if I do not reach my goal everyone's donation will be refunded. If that happens, I can probably just scrounge around. I might have a $20 in a coat pocket or something.

The Impact

By helping me attend this summit, you will be giving me and my family a night of sub-par mexican fast food. I have worked somewhat hard for the community by doing a lot of writing, having to put up with everything in Congress, and by making various images. I will be happy to suggest any suggestions you have, especially on what to eat... I don’t go to Taco Bell very often

Other Ways You Can Help

If you cannot afford to help financially, then please try to mail me a sandwich or something. It’s getting late, and I’ve got a hankering for some fourthmeal. Thanks!

Please donate here:

My family and I thank you for your support! You are true eAmerican heroes!