Domestic Orders Day 1109

Day 1,110, 02:29 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

Welcome to the twelfth edition of the Domestic Orders, courtesy of the Ministry of Home Affairs. This regularly appearing article will bring you all the latest info you need to have a great time in erepublik.

Fight Smart!
As you have probably noticed there are a lot of battles going on at the moment, from our attack on Ireland to the French invasion of Canada. It is critical that we win these battles or at least win the most strategically important ones so it is essential you fight in the correct battle that needs your influence the most. To find out which battle to fight in simply check the latest MoD orders today!

These are all the government articles written in the past few days and it is important that you read them and subscribe to these great government newspapers.
Tip: You can spot all government articles by the [UKGov] tag so be sure to vote and subscribe any articles you see with that.

[UKGov]Europe in Conflict

Greetings from the eUK

No articles over the last few days but remember to vote and subscribe!

[UKGov]Make the most of your Newspaper

Remember to Vote and Subscribe to the Ministry of Defence paper because it has daily orders instructing you where to fight.

[PM]Operation Restore

The Prime Minister will make most of his announcements in the Announcements section of the Forums which I strongly advise you read, however it is still important that you read his paper when an article is released.

Sign up to the UK Military here

Don't forget to move to london and protect the UK!

Make sure you join the official UK forums!

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If you want to get ahead in erepublik and learn how all the exciting modules work check out our fantastic wiki tutorial!

Until the next time, keep going eUK!
