Consilio et Animis - Domestic Policies

Day 2,202, 20:39 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by ChewChewShoe
Obligatory theme music.

Dear Britain,

Throughout the years Britain has been renown for her community, and for long our proud community served as a model for how other communities should function all around the world.
The involvement of the average citizen in the running for the country was something all nations envied, the way Britain opened her arms and welcomed anyone into her ranks and did the best to suit players of all calibre into the weave that is our nation.
Our country excelled in areas of governance, and Britain was, and to a large extent still is, renown for it’s involvement in the running world alliances, despite being small in size.

However, much as seasons pass, leaves fall and men whither away, the landscape in which we find ourself spending our time in changes; men of old seek retreat from the harsh reality through other means, and young ones spawn, paving the way for the future.

Change is a word commonly passed around within our community. Change is something we see it all around us, yet it is difficult to point out. Change is something many of us claim to advocate, and others resent.
Change can be both positive and negative; without change, there can be no progression. With constant change, there can be no stability.
Without change, how would revolutionary ideals have thrived or materialised?
With constant change, how will you be able to your life to the fullest and plan ahead for what the future gives?
One of the most common places you may encounter the word in is within the political sphere, “But genuine change”, says renown sage Iain Keers, “never comes from a single person.” in his most recent article ‘Politics of change’.
I find myself agreeing with him; Genuine change may be advocated and presented by one individual, but without wide participation of others can never take place, in eRepublik as in reality.

Minor change, if popular, can however pave the way for larger change in a society, even if it is just temporary. As such, I refuse to run for office on bold promises of grand change in our community, and instead choose a path of attempting to make smaller reforms within our nation that I believe will yield benefit to us as a whole.

Role playing is something quite commonly shunned within eRepublik, and in many cases I find myself among those arguing against it. In many ways, however, I believe it is a necessity for a community to thrive in eRepublik.
When it comes to construction of communities, I find myself agreeing with it. Many times have it enhanced our experience within this realm, prime examples being the foundation of Dioism and the coronation of King Woldy.
Legislation is something that we since long have moved away from in the UK in a large part, however, it is something I deem, when applied in small and reasonable amounts, more encouraging for a community than it is restricting.
Although very rarely enforceable due to the nature of eRepublik, I argue that it does not have to be.
Properly drafted legislation with popular support should serve as guidelines rather than rules in a community, guidelines that enables the people of our nation to explore new areas of the game and evolve, creating involvement, putting a larger emphasis on the communities built around eRepublik rather than that which we see within.
On this foundation I have decided that I will attempt to reintroduce certain pieces of legislation, should parliament agree, to our community.

× I will be looking to hold several surveys during my presidency, on topics varying from government performance & priorities to our prefered allies in order to ensure that our foreign department focuses where the populace deems it worthwhile.

× Various honours system can been seen around eRepublik, and with the UK being a monarchy we have a ripe opportunity of enabling the king to bestow official honours to our citizenry upon recommendation of the community. This, I believe, will increase the productivity of many of our citizens looking to distinguish themselves.

× I will be looking to reinstitute an immigration committee to overlook the flow of citizens into our country and direct congressmen accordingly, decreasing the threat of rogue citizens with knavish intentions gaining entrance to our country. Consequences, as deemed necessary, may come to follow parties who continuously puts the country at risk by not abiding with these guidelines.

× With a heated political atmosphere, I believe it is necessary for our country to do her best when it comes to mediating our parties integrity. Should a party come under threat of a hostile take over attempt, I believe it is our duty to one another to, to our fullest capacity, assist in keeping our parties safe. As such I will propose legislation aimed at combatting take overs within our political sphere, enforceable only through an exchange; If you help keeping other parties integrity, your party will be rewarded with the same insurance in return.

× I will be looking to implement missions issued by the government to our citizens; if you help our country by completing certain tasks, rewards await you for your effort.

× Education is a very important part when it comes to player retention, as such I will be doing my best to ensure that as many articles containing guides, tips, history and analysis’ are regularly available at the home page of our citizens.

× In an effort to increase involvement in our community, I will do my best to make sure that mass messaging makes a return to our society, containing information on how to access IRC and the likes.

× To ensure a broader variety of entertainment for our community, I will be looking to hold a couple of international competitions with other countries during the coming month.

× I believe that government transparency is an important part of any community, as such I will be trying to update our nation through more detailed, longer articles in-game, and shorter, more frequent updates on our forums.

× Since I believe that government always should answer to, and serve, our population, I will be looking to hold public question times on IRC, where citizens are allowed the opportunity to question our government about their tasks and performance.

× I will be looking to follow previous governments in their endeavour to economically relieve our citizens during times of discounts.

× In order to increase player attraction to participation in our community, I will be looking to give out rewards for newer players making their way onto the forums and reaching a specific amount of posts.

In the coming days I will be looking to publish yet another article on the topic of military and foreign affairs, and more, I’d advise you to keep an eye out for those.

Furthermore, I want to make sure that any support shown towards my campaign is greatly appreciated, and I do hope that we truly can change the UK for the better, together.

As of now, I will leave you with this quote:

"The difference between the most dissimilar characters, between a philosopher and a common street porter, for example, seems to arise not so much from nature, as from habit, custom, and education." -Adam Smith
