A moment of your time...

Day 674, 22:02 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas

If I may have a moment of your time, I would like to talk to you about the congressional elections tomorrow. Though it is true that I am standing in Dublin tomorrow and have provided a link to my Pledgifesto I came here to speak to you not to stump for myself and ask for your Vote (which I would be honored to have) but to speak to you about our Home and what you can do to keep her safe.

Though I don't have any hard numbers on how many eIrish citizens are active, using round numbers I can tell you that roughly only 300 of 1000 people residing in eIreland voted in the last Presidential Election. That is only thirty percent, less than one third, not quite one in three or as I like to say, not nearly enough.

Granted many of those citizens may be "dead" and not yet purged, or those unfortunate souls who deemed reading and clicking for a few days be too boring with not enough killing, I believe it still represents a very small portion of the population who actually logs on every day to work, train and fight.

Not everyone is cut out for the media. Some fear ridicule of their comments, or sadly think their opinion doesn't matter. I believe that they are mistaken, but that is my opinion. One thing is for certain; as in RL your Vote matters a great deal.

In my short eLife I have seen eIreland come a long way. This has been a very positive month with little mudslinging, a lot of building and if I can coin a phrase, a “Non-Partisan Love-in”. There are a lot of dedicated eIrish on the ballot this month. There are many very talented citizens who are striving to make this a better place for all; some for the first time, some for their third or more terms.

There are many on the ballot that have done little to nothing to further this Fair Isle. There are quite a few who see the five gold that is to be earned from being elected as easy money for nothing. Thankfully, most of these do not receive votes (but one will notice them month after month on the ballot hoping for that free lunch).

Then there are those who abandoned their post, gone AWOL or are just derelict in their duties. There are those who though we know of them and see them occasionally, spend little time in the game or did not take the time to introduce themselves to our hundreds of possible new voters via a manifesto of any kind. These I find the most worthy of loathing, for their hubris is veiled in a guise of “past service” or forum based rhetoric.

Real life happens. It happens to the best and worst of us, and often at the most inopportune times. But there is always time for one more post, one last email, one final PM. There is certainly time to step up on that railcar at least once and say “Hello, this is who I am, this is what I stand for and I would like to help…”

When making your choice, ask yourself;

“What has Candidate X done for eIreland?” Not months ago, not long ago, but in my eLife, in my recent memory. If you see and feel their dedication, if their motive is well intentioned and their Vision, though perhaps not your own, at least tangible and evident, then by all means Vote for them.

If you are asking yourself;

“Who is this person? When did they join my party? What do they stand for?" Then I beg you to move on to the next candidate.

Let us populate Dashriprock's (outstanding) Performance Tracker with active members who care for our home, who will do the job and who will not let us down. Let us give ourselves every reason to be proud of those who “serve” and not encourage those who would take and not give in return.

Let us move eIreland forward once again. Thank you for your time.

Very Respectfully,

Donovan Thomas