[UKGov] UK Today Day 1393

Day 1,393, 14:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office
Good Day and welcome to UK Today!



It's just two days until the Party Presidential elections. On the 15th of every month each party in the game elects a new PP, who leads that party for the duration of the month, until the following 15th.

The role of a PP is important, as they decide who in the party will be the official congress candidates, and so if you have ambitions in those areas they're someone you ought to befriend! It's worth saying here that only parties in the top 5 (in member numbers) can run congress candidates, though of course anyone can vote in those elections.

It's also important to note here that the vote button that appears on the front page for congress and CP elections doesn't always appear for the PP elections- so make sure you visit the 'elections' tab in your browser on the 15th to vote for your preferred candidate!


Check out yesterday's article for information on a 'Call to Arms' scheme we're running, that's giving out free Q5 weapons. Don't miss out!



Today we have seen Dublin, Wales and South West hit. Dublin was put up early on in the day as a chain reaction to Ireland winning their previous RW, as this was early on in the day we were able to take advantage and win 8-3. They have since opened up another RW and although they set to win the first few battles we should hopefully win this again since it was put up halfway through USA's prime time.

Wales and South West battles were put up by Ireland and Canada at about 10pm our time so we're not likely to win either of those. Wales is 3-1 and SW is 3-0. If we're lucky we could pull Wales out of the bag in the morning. Unfortunately the majority of our ally damage is tied up with Macedonia who today lost two very close battles 8-7. It's tough luck but I expect things to change tomorrow when tanking gets expensive again.

There isn't much else to talk about so I'm just going to give you a quick domestic update and leave you with a MoD report from Kdogg.

Daily Domestic Update
- Messaging done
- UK today released
- Supplies from Call to arms done
- Games.

MoD report on the forums!



- If you're a new player and you're trying to get your head around the game, maybe you have a question you'd like answered, and would like some friendly advice then PM our Lead Mentor Talon Karrde and you will be contacted shortly.

To find out what you can do to help, just follow the link here.

-If you're a new player you may qualify for free food. Follow this link- http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/viewforum.php?f=588 and post in the threads advertising food schemes there.

-TIP OF THE DAY: Make sure you read as many articles as you can- look under each of the tabs to see what's new, what people are thinking and writing, and for more information about crucial events. Stay in the know!


Remember to keep up with the Military news by reading and subscribing to the MoD newspaper here.

Keep an eye out on all the other government articles by subscribing to them using the links below.
Tip: You can spot all government articles by the [UKGov] tag so be sure to vote and subscribe any articles you see with that.

Remember to Vote and Subscribe to the Ministry of Defence paper because it has daily orders instructing you where to fight.

Make sure you join the official UK forums!

If you want to get ahead in erepublik and learn how all the exciting modules work check out our wiki tutorial!

Talon Karrde