[UK] Who now and what do we get from the French?

Day 2,222, 06:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by perilouspanther

Who now and what to be get from the French?

Who now?

Now that our little war with eFrance is over - who now? We have no 'close' enemies that are easy to get to and after that war with eFrance is over we only have our allies surrounding us. The only land near us that we could attack is eIreland. How ever attacking eIreland would be a rather silly move into the wrong way anyway and even if we did there wouldn't be much out of it. So, the question is, who will we attack next? I would put eNetherlands forward as they are close, vulnerable and are on their last legs, how ever I am not in parliament and this is just a feeble idea.

The Netherlands

In fact, ePoland is attacking them now. Anyway, the choice is up to the CP and his congressmen. Although they could of course choose not to fight at all! But to rest for a while and just support our allies and make sure no French resistance force gets through. They could even decide to attack our allies but the chance of this is very minimal and you would need to be a mad man to do it!

What do we get from the French?


Now we have invaded and taken over their land, we get many things [country wise]. We get their taxes; this means that the eUK gets more money each time we pay out money when we work or sell the government gets those taxes and therefore get more when they own more regions/states.


Now the eUK owns more land it is ranked higher on the Country rankings board and are closer to becoming an empire. It also expands our 'territory' and makes the country itself bigger and more powerful.


The eUK has put one less enemy to worry about attacking them and made eUK less vulnerable for attack. It has also made it so that we have more wars to fight as the French desperately try to reclaim land by resistance, this means there are slightly more things to do in the eUK.


People from France might come and try for citizenship. Their land has been taken over and their only hope is resistance force - so people could change their allegiance to eUK, finding that their country has not much to do anymore and thinking eUK is a better place to be. It obviously has a better military force and is much more active in the way of war making it more attractive.

A good feeling

Lastly, after winning a few wars and conquering a country you feel pretty good! 😃

A big smile for you!

Until next article,