[Mav] Naturally a good offer

Day 1,125, 22:09 Published in India India by Mav10 DK
Mavotory Warning: Short Articles are fail. Read or be shot on sight! Do Not Be A Smart-alec.
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Day 1125 | Article #36 | Version 1.0 | Tag: Natural Enemy | RH Medal sale |

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The last few weeks have been quite a maddening time, with regions going to and fro between India, Pakistan & China! While eWar is mostly fun, it has been especially taxing on our resources & supplies.

Currently our troops are scattered all over the world, some fighting in ally battles, some aiding China in their South Asian incursion, some moving about on missions, while the rest gradually move back to India. The economy is gradually taking flight; with our companies coming back thanks to the new rules set forth by the eGawds.

So we thought, heck why not put an end to the war, at least for the festive week. No more sleepless nights watching battles, no more wastage of resources. So we have come up with this game:

Err no, that's not it. Though you can give it a try.

So what's the deal?
Firstly Natural Enemy law. For those who don't know what it is, read about it first. Essentially free war.

Yesterday Maniu proposed NE Law in Congress; which in our opinion was counter to the way Congress ought to function. The reason we want to avoid Open War with Pak: stretched funds, the risk of losing our regions 2 days before Congress and being exposed to Free Citizenship & a PTO which most definitively would take us months to recover from, and finally ruin the effort of past few days to ensure a ceasefire, and concentrate on reconstruction.

Given all these parameters and that the Congress rule of 24 hour discussion was bypassed, we requested it be voted NO. However the damage was done, and Pakistan also responded, though apparently their's was also for the lulz and not meant to pass. Still theirs passed. Lack of info & coordination meant ours didn't.

Contrary to what Maniu indicates in his article, NO ONE is public enemy. I have never been interested in blame games & neither do I wish to start now. If anyone would be at blame that would be the eGawds anyways! I DO request that more discussion takes place before any other actions are taken, that affect national security.

However we have been trying to figure out the best way to avoid open war, without compromising on our ideals or dignity. And that opportunity has been graciously presented to us by misteriosa, ePakistan MoD (waves).

It is A RESISTANCE HERO MEDAL SALE, brought to you in collaboration between India & Pakistan!
Yes, you heard us right.

Here are the terms of the 'deal'. 1> Pakistan attack (with auto attack, its anyways unavoidable) 1 region of ours, 2> they win it (with orders from us not to fight in that region), 3> meanwhile bid is made for RH medal, 4> the RH bid winner RW's it back to us. Repeat step 1-4.

While this is a temporary arrangement, it also brings in moolah for us; and frees up our troops so they can move to aid Australia in their liberation efforts for the immediate future. Our own liberation is also on the charts. Please ensure that (a) Indians do NOT fight in the region attacked, (b) only the region as per the deal is RW'd, and only by the winner of the bid & (c) the rules of the Bidding process & eventual winning is maintained; as otherwise it would disrupt all our plans, and ruin Christmas.

This is also the reason we were trying to Vote No to the 2nd NE proposal, by Swadhin, as it came prior to the talks, but seems it was too late.

So what happens if rules are not followed & anyone tries to disrupt the plans?
In Misti's own words:
"- we all tank heavily against you, and make sure you lose the medal
- you spend tons of your own gold for nothing
- you are humiliated, and we mock you for the rest of your eLife"

Er maybe we'll skip option 3. Not our style.

And what are the rules that are to be followed?
RH medals sale is taking place as an auction, which means, people bid for it, and the highest bid in certain amount of time wins. Minimum bid for the RH medal is 25gold, and that money is used for both countries to cover the expense for fighting, the money above that is solely for countries’ profit, and by all means, NO personal profit. Of course, besides the bidding money, you must provide gold for starting the RW which is less than 30gold. And while we will tell people to fight for the RW and fund them in need, and make sure it is won, it doesn't mean you don't have to raise a finger once you start it.
Of course there are at least 32 new BH medals given away in the process. (16 for RW + 16 when re-attacking)

So, you'll require at least 55gold & be willing to spend it for a guaranteed RH medal.
In order to participate, you need to register an account on Stone Ocean Forum with your ingame nick, and visit the Resistance War Medal Auctions subforum. Read the rules first (except its 25gold minimum bid & not 30g), then apply in the suitable topic.

The auction is ON! Don't miss this opportunity to earn us some gold, err I mean to earn you a RH medal!!! ABSOLUTELY FREE FREE FREE *(plus costs of bidding & starting the RW)!!!

NOTE: You don't get to choose the region where you start the RW.

eIndians if you have any further questions, feel free to contact me on IRC. Or drop a post on the forums. Please make sure you follow IAF orders.

Let's have some fun boys & girls. Play nice.

With regards to the sane voice of Pakistan, misteriosa.

Your Mav O'cool,
~ Mav aka Dodge Knight ~
Presidential Advisor
Editor, The Dodge Chronicles
First Knight, The DODGE Order
Soldier, Indian Navy

Thanks to all my readers. Please leave a comment below, or PM.

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Previous Ego-boosters:
The Philosophy of eIndia ~ Respect: A Tribute to eRepublik ~ eRepublik Admin on Twitter: "the article is close to a definition of what eRepublik should represent to the bigger part of the player-base. Respect!" / Make Each Day Count / eFreedom - Are You A Free Citizen? / Rules of the Game ~ A Congress Election Manual / Do I sound Prime Ministerial enough? / I AM HERE!!! [Part I] / I am Game! / Lead India! Lead The World! / Be The Fourth Frog / eIndia Needs You Now! / Its A Long Way To The Top If You Wanna Rock n Roll / Let's Dance! Rawwwwr! / The end draws near / Who Wants Some Pizza? / Kick Dio B*** / Keep The Faith / Don't Panic / Salute to China-EDEN

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