[Mav] Critical Updates

Day 1,133, 20:09 Published in India India by Mav10 DK
Mavotory Warning: Short Articles are fail. Read or be shot on sight! Do Not Be A Smart-alec.
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Day 1133 | Article #37 | Version 1.0 | Tag: India-Pakistan war Current Status |

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Hopefully we're all aware, that 1 week back we had declared Natural Enemy Law on Pakistan - to which they had responded with a Natural Enemy on us. This was of course NOT what we, the executive body, wanted, knowing the potential damage it can cause. Ours did not pass, due to lack of coordination between the Congressmen; their's did.

The war was reopened - right prior to Congress elections; which meant, firstly, that we were at risk of another all out war- one we could not afford given our funds; and in case we ended up losing our regions - we were at 3 regions - then there would be free Citizenship - every Serb, Indo and who knows who else PTO-er would descend on us like [insert worst form of metaphor] - we would not even have our nation free for who knows how many terms.

With such far reaching and potentially harmful effects of not discussing on forums prior to proposing anything in game - I again request all Congressmen to please follow the rules.

At any rate, Pakistan also did not want an open war front. We were not changing our stance - neither do we do now - Pak still remains & will remain our hostile neighbor as long as its governed / inhabited by the Dioists. Only as a solution to avoiding a potentially all-out confrontation, we worked out the Resistance Hero Medal sale.

After the 1st couple of RW's went without any glitches - we realized that in order to win max number of seats possible in Congress - we would have to hold on to Chattisgarh - at least till the end of Election day - a whole 48 hour cycle. Only way to do that - get the 27 Congress seats (& gold from the elected Congress) we got - would have been to get Pak to lose Chattis, then we auto attack and lose Jharkhand to hand back initiative; and we carry on with the RH medal sale cycle as before.

While Chattisgarh went relatively fine (barring some 20g tanking in the last MB's to secure against Serbian BH hunters), Jharkhand was a major screwup from both sides - Pak due to certain circumstances, did not monitor the battle - letting BH hunters win round after round for us. 2 of our guys fought in the war, without checking orders. [On this note, I again request - all IAF personnel please check updated orders on #agni BEFORE fighting]. Also a Chinese dude came in and hit 110k in the last Mini to win it for us - in spite of our messages, that it wasn't our agenda.

In any case Pakistan, due to this situation, were left with Bihar, Jammu & Balochistan; with initiative and auto att for Both China and India. Given that Pakistan had extended the courtesy of letting us hold on to Chattisgarh at a crucial point; we held off an attack on Bihar ourselves; to see what option China explored. If China attacked Bihar, and won it; our borders would close automatically. If they attacked Jammu (as they eventually did), then we would have to attack Bihar; and figure things out from there.

Meanwhile China, on its own volition, returned Andhra Pradesh to us. We thank China & EDEN for their all there support. o7

When Bihar attack started, we realized that if Pak were to defend it aggressively & be successful at it - not only will initiative shift to them, but now with Bihar - Jharkhand - Chattisgarh - Andhra Pradhesh - Tamil Nadu - Kerala connected - it put 6 regions at risk. Also the costs of taking Bihar itself would be quite a sum; and more than we can afford. Thus, in spite of having some of our EDEN friends besides us to hit there if necessary - our limited funds meant we had to explore other options.

After discussion with Pakistan, it was proposed that we sign peace; they will defend Bihar, given that they're down to last 3 regions; but won't show aggression towards India. Our borders close; and China carries on with their agenda; as per our talks with China - we get back our regions nonetheless - without having to scratch bottom of the barrel for it. Do note, this DOES NOT mean end of hostilities; but a mutually beneficial situation, given the circumstances we are in.

As for in game proposals are concerned - we cannot declare peace without the natural enemy Law being rejected first it seems. So it has been proposed - No Natural Enemy. Peace will be proposed soon after its possible to do so.

Military Orders are to stand down for now. Do NOT fight in Bihar. DEFEND JHARKHAND however - as auto attack on it starts in 24 hours - so Hold your fire, and conserve your food fights for Day 1134. Pak will NOT show aggression towards Jharkhand (and if they do, they'll have another thing coming) - but we still have to make sure we win it. On a side note, in case anyone asks, yes we will be renewing the current set of MPP's and more as and when required.

Again I say, every action we take - especially if not in consultation with the Govt & Military staff - has far reaching consequences - as has been amply proved over the past week; and the biggest casualty in this is our limited funds. Every wrong move costs us - not only in diplomatic and other terms - but financially as well. So I request everyone to interact - if you feel you have alternatives; or don't like the decisions being taken - talk to us on #agni (ask ops on #indiarising for pass).

These ARE executive decisions, and are meant to be taken unilaterally, given the necessity to take them at moment's notice and thus more often than not, without the time to debate them on forum. However, I am trying my level best to consult whoever is online on #agni at the moment, make the process as democratic and feedback based as possible. If at any point my decisions end up costing us, I'll take full responsibility and will ensure our security, whatever the cost.

For now, I request all Congressmen to Vote Yes to Current proposal of Cancelling Natural Enemy; and the upcoming Peace Proposal. Please ask me anything you wish on IRC #agni. Thank you.

Your Mav, Defender of eIndia,
~ Mav aka Dodge Knight ~
Presidential Advisor
Editor, The Dodge Chronicles
First Knight, The DODGE Order
Soldier, Indian Navy

Thanks to all my readers. Please leave a comment below, or PM.

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